JuanPaul Comments: Suburban space men take their pressure washing very seriously.
Published 1988
Hawkwind Comments: “We’re out of extra guns. Don’t tell the little alien guy we gave him the salt and pepper grinders.”
Published 2002
GSS ex-noob Comments: Tank menaces toddler with a big gun turret! Of course the toddler has a gun too, we’re BAEN. Nah, the fonts don’t matter.
[I took your suggestion, Ms Xnob, and replaced your original with a shiny new internet grab. — T. Wizard]
Published 2004
Good Show Sir Comments: “Dis bonjour à mon petit ami!”
Published 1953
Thanks to Alain for sending this in.
Justin Comments: I was inspired to send this in by “The Berkley Showcase” last week. I think the covers on John Silbersack’s sci-fi books has been sadly underrepresented on your site.
Published 1983
It’s a Two-Fer Tuesday – Genus Homo Edition
Good Show Sir Comments:
1. You know, when you think about it, every morning we wake up and find ourselves the only human beings alive.
2. “Don’t shoot him! I was just lending him my eyebrow pencil”!
Published 1941, 1961
Click to embiggen that spacesuit
Trudy Comments: Finally! A spacesuit for the full-figured gal!
Published 1998
Bibliomancer Comments: Baen Got Back. ♬I like big books and I can not lie ♬
Published 2017
Kat’s Art Direction: “Okay, you’ve used the front of her shirt to make shoulder pads and recycled the scraps to make some useless pouches. Good work. But you know what this cover needs? What it really, really needs? … SHINIER LETTERING.”
Published 2004
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