Is the black thing on the left a horse, a buffalo, or your standard shapeshifting alien monstrosity? (Don’t answer that. This cover fails to generate in me the slightest curiosity about the book.)
The barbarian My Little Pony fan is infuriated by her horse eating his buddy.
Aren’t bright tigers usually burning rather than shining? I mean, when they’re not part of an excessively glossy book cover. It also appears to have some serious eye problems.
OK – she’s staring at the audience while shooting sparks into the air with no apparent target. The previous cover, bad as it was, at least injected some drama into the scene. Is she having her picture taken? And is that a regular breeze, or is Magically Generated Air Disturbance(tm)?
“How can we make this cover uglier?”
“Let’s slap a gaudy wallpaper design and a blind white tiger on it!”
I see being hit by lightning has caused her eyes to cross. No wonder.
@Francis: I’m willing to go on record as saying it’s a quadruped mammal, but nothing more definite than that.
@BC: That’s not a palomino. It’s a sorrel (a kind of chestnut). Source: I was a 10 year old girl. No idea what it’s dong there, and I don’t think anything/anyone in the picture does either.
Editor: “Why on Earth does it look like that?”
Artist: “Well… the cat played with my palette, then it stumbled and fell over the canvas. It left a big cat-shaped stain and I did what I could to save the painting…”
Hm. It looks like the horsewoman has a dislocated left shoulder or something. I swear it looks like her arm is growing from the side of her ribcage next to her breast.
Maybe it’s the the odd epaulettes, but I’m going to believe otherwise….
Publisher to artist with deadline looming: We thought Lightning Magic Horse Girl didn’t sound catchy enough; we’re changing it to Bright and Shining Tiger. Can you squeeze a tiger in there somewhere?
Artist: (Sigh) Sure…
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March 15th, 2022 at 10:34 am
What makes this cover is the horse looking at the Viking with an expression of “Who is this asshole?”
March 15th, 2022 at 11:40 am
Is the black thing on the left a horse, a buffalo, or your standard shapeshifting alien monstrosity? (Don’t answer that. This cover fails to generate in me the slightest curiosity about the book.)
March 15th, 2022 at 12:28 pm
If a knight named Forrest doesn’t wind up inside the embossed tiger I will be dissapointed.
March 15th, 2022 at 2:28 pm
Her horse is going to trip on that skull because it’s distracted by the guy drawing his sword.
March 15th, 2022 at 3:24 pm
It’s certainly a bright and shiny tiger.
March 15th, 2022 at 5:50 pm
At least her horse in today’s cover doesn’t look like it’s made of chocolate.
March 15th, 2022 at 6:01 pm
Good thing her horse is upwind from the palomino, er, taking up the rear, a bit too closely. The buffalo thing doesn’t seem to be so lucky.
March 15th, 2022 at 7:31 pm
The barbarian My Little Pony fan is infuriated by her horse eating his buddy.
Aren’t bright tigers usually burning rather than shining? I mean, when they’re not part of an excessively glossy book cover. It also appears to have some serious eye problems.
OK – she’s staring at the audience while shooting sparks into the air with no apparent target. The previous cover, bad as it was, at least injected some drama into the scene. Is she having her picture taken? And is that a regular breeze, or is Magically Generated Air Disturbance(tm)?
March 15th, 2022 at 10:26 pm
“How can we make this cover uglier?”
“Let’s slap a gaudy wallpaper design and a blind white tiger on it!”
I see being hit by lightning has caused her eyes to cross. No wonder.
@Francis: I’m willing to go on record as saying it’s a quadruped mammal, but nothing more definite than that.
@BC: That’s not a palomino. It’s a sorrel (a kind of chestnut). Source: I was a 10 year old girl. No idea what it’s dong there, and I don’t think anything/anyone in the picture does either.
March 16th, 2022 at 4:39 am
@GSSxn—You are correct. Maybe she’s the palomino.
March 16th, 2022 at 2:00 pm
Editor: “Why on Earth does it look like that?”
Artist: “Well… the cat played with my palette, then it stumbled and fell over the canvas. It left a big cat-shaped stain and I did what I could to save the painting…”
March 17th, 2022 at 12:22 am
Editor: “That’s as may be, but why the wallpaper?”
March 18th, 2022 at 1:51 am
Hm. It looks like the horsewoman has a dislocated left shoulder or something. I swear it looks like her arm is growing from the side of her ribcage next to her breast.
Maybe it’s the the odd epaulettes, but I’m going to believe otherwise….
March 31st, 2022 at 3:07 am
Publisher to artist with deadline looming: We thought Lightning Magic Horse Girl didn’t sound catchy enough; we’re changing it to Bright and Shining Tiger. Can you squeeze a tiger in there somewhere?
Artist: (Sigh) Sure…