I hold the dubious distinction of actually having read this book! It’s hands down the laziest novel, sci-fi or otherwise, that I have ever experienced! I hold on to my copy just so I’m always completely certain which title is the worst in my library! The plot is strung together like the free-associative play of 8-year-old boys at recess! Also, a strong candidate for the highest per-page exclamation point density in the English language!
@Bibliomancer – The Earthmen just sort of wandered in! Like a new store at a shopping mall! But then there was danger! I think it involved time travel! I remember there being dinosaurs and Roman Centurions! Our hero acted resourcefully! Like fixing a broken pair of glasses with surgical tape! Everything worked out in the end! I’ve blotted the exact details from my memory!
@JuanPaul – That was my first thought, too, about lobster catching methods. Is there a word for paying attention to things like that, but not really thinking the rest of the cover is that odd? Maybe it’s a “misaligned suspension of disbelief?”
@JuanPaul, HappyBookworm. IIRC nets can be used for some types of lobster- but still, why not leave it at, “Like a fisherman throwing out a net”? Why specify that the net is for lobster? Was the blurb writer actually trying to convey the notion of a trap– such as a lobster pot- but found the phrase “setting out pots” just too inelegant?
@JuanPaul: I was making a topical dig at Hope Solo’s tantrum. Her public comments have been endlessly amusing to anyone who’s had to rough it in a Sunday league (or share a house with someone who did). Let’s hope her anti-Zika precautions worked and that she never has to play anywhere near Lime, Massachusetts.
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May 10th, 2016 at 12:31 pm
Scottie, beam down the rest of my legs.
And my pants!
May 10th, 2016 at 12:33 pm
In ancient times,
Hundreds of years before the dawn of history
Lived a strange race of people, the Hunkbutts…
May 10th, 2016 at 12:43 pm
I’m pretty sure you don’t cast a net to catch lobster, but then this is science fiction.
May 10th, 2016 at 1:16 pm
I suspect that fellow really wants to be caught.
May 10th, 2016 at 1:18 pm
Actually, the blurb makes complete sense: Sending pyramids to catch earthmen, throwing a lasso to catch snakes, using snares to catch butterflies…
May 10th, 2016 at 1:51 pm
@JuanPaul—maybe we need a “Really Stupid Similes” tag.
Like big loaves of bread piled high at the grocery, the stones of stonehenge beckoned the weary traveler.
May 10th, 2016 at 1:51 pm
@JuanPaul: …using the worst sci-fi/fantasy book covers to catch anonymous nerds? 😉
May 10th, 2016 at 2:08 pm
I hold the dubious distinction of actually having read this book! It’s hands down the laziest novel, sci-fi or otherwise, that I have ever experienced! I hold on to my copy just so I’m always completely certain which title is the worst in my library! The plot is strung together like the free-associative play of 8-year-old boys at recess! Also, a strong candidate for the highest per-page exclamation point density in the English language!
May 10th, 2016 at 2:13 pm
Like Richard Burton, Jack Bertin pronounced his name “Burr-tin.”
May 10th, 2016 at 2:16 pm
@Billy Awesome – So how did they catch Earthmen with pyramid-lobster-nets?
Or did they only catch dead pharaohs?
May 10th, 2016 at 2:36 pm
@Bibliomancer – The Earthmen just sort of wandered in! Like a new store at a shopping mall! But then there was danger! I think it involved time travel! I remember there being dinosaurs and Roman Centurions! Our hero acted resourcefully! Like fixing a broken pair of glasses with surgical tape! Everything worked out in the end! I’ve blotted the exact details from my memory!
May 10th, 2016 at 3:11 pm
@Billy Awesome – Love! that! Jack! Bertin! writing! style!
May 10th, 2016 at 3:42 pm
@Billy Awesome (11): I always wondered if they’d dare make a crossover episode of ‘Stargate SG1′ and McGuyver’.
May 10th, 2016 at 4:23 pm
“Unremarkable.” In fact, written by the executor of his estate:
May 10th, 2016 at 5:37 pm
@Tat Wood: When was MacGyver naked and half-transparent? Although we are most certainly in agreement about the pyramids being Goa’uld motherships.
Also, about that crossover . . . don’t you think the combined universes would self-destruct from the paradox?
May 10th, 2016 at 5:39 pm
May 10th, 2016 at 9:00 pm
Damn. Why couldn’t the mysterious power have sent strip clubs and the publisher have been BAEN?
May 10th, 2016 at 9:44 pm
@fred: because LOBSTERS!
May 12th, 2016 at 4:09 am
@JuanPaul – That was my first thought, too, about lobster catching methods. Is there a word for paying attention to things like that, but not really thinking the rest of the cover is that odd? Maybe it’s a “misaligned suspension of disbelief?”
August 13th, 2016 at 5:37 pm
It’s been three months, and he’s still buffering! Should I reload the cover, do you think?
August 13th, 2016 at 7:45 pm
I could make a gag about Ikea goalposts but American readers might sulk. And then we’d have to explain the offside rule again.
August 14th, 2016 at 2:28 pm
@JuanPaul, HappyBookworm. IIRC nets can be used for some types of lobster- but still, why not leave it at, “Like a fisherman throwing out a net”? Why specify that the net is for lobster? Was the blurb writer actually trying to convey the notion of a trap– such as a lobster pot- but found the phrase “setting out pots” just too inelegant?
August 18th, 2016 at 4:21 am
@RJ Setting lobster pots relates a little better to sending pyramids than casting a net does, though it might sound a little quirky.
@TW I am an American an I like soccer. There, I said it…and now I laugh heartily at ikea goalposts.
August 18th, 2016 at 8:31 am
“Honey, where’s my pants?”
August 18th, 2016 at 6:13 pm
@JuanPaul: I was making a topical dig at Hope Solo’s tantrum. Her public comments have been endlessly amusing to anyone who’s had to rough it in a Sunday league (or share a house with someone who did). Let’s hope her anti-Zika precautions worked and that she never has to play anywhere near Lime, Massachusetts.