Aug 03

Cherche-moi?Click for larger image

Lord Kelvin Comments: The Make Vaccines Sexy Campaign

Published 1979

Actually, that cover IS a classical work of art!I would touch it without protective gloves.I've seen worse. Far, far, worse.Interesting, but I would still read it in public.Middlng: Neither awful nor awfully goodWould not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just awful...That belongs in a gold-lame picture frame!Gah... my eyes are burning! Feels so good!Good Show Sir! (Average: 7.38 out of 10)

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14 Responses to “Search the Sky”

  1. fred Says:

    The last days of space disco.

  2. Tat Wood Says:

    Lord Kelviin’s almost rght: as I recall it, the plot’s about gene-pools and herd immunity. Sort of like ‘The DNA Cowboys’ but with rustlers.

    But it’s late 70s Penguin, so Adrian’s got his air-brush out and wrapped everyone in tinfoil. That might even be what the couple on the cover are doing with those odd tattoo-guns. I’d like to know quite how the holding that pose. (She doesn’t care: she thinks she’s on a Roxy Music album cover).

  3. A. R. Yngve Says:

    Fun Fact: This novel is available as a Public Domain audiobook (legally!) on

    SEARCH THE SKY is fun 1950s satire, by the authors of THE SPACE MERCHANTS.

  4. A.R. Yngve Says:

    Now THAT cover is how you sell vaccination to skeptics.

  5. Bruce A Munro Says:

    Let’s not search the sky tonight, I have a headache.

  6. fred Says:

    That would have been a good look for Merlin/Morgana in ‘Excalibur’ 1981.

  7. Hammy Says:

    Her punchbowl is a lot nicer than his, and fits better too.

  8. GSS ex-noob Says:

    Why’s he got a bubble helmet (attn: TagW) and she doesn’t?

    They can’t be in outer space, even though the background seems to imply it, but since neither one is wearing a space suit and proper helmet. So are they just in a zero-g disco, doing the floating Hustle and shaking their booty in Funky Town?

    What gives with his wrappings? At least this is a rare instance where the man has more skin showing and stupider clothing than the woman.

  9. Emster Says:

    I judge thee, book, by thy (thine?) cover,
    I would buy thee (used, of course) and read thee in public.

    It’s groovy and super shiny. The only thing it could be possibly be missing is a shiny silver VW Bug shaped space shuttle.

  10. Max Bathroom Says:

    That may well be Sarah Brightman on the right, but I don’t think that’s Andrew Lloyd-Webber on the left.

  11. Francis Boyle Says:

    I know it was the 7os, but there’s an unusual amount of man-underboob going there.

  12. GSS ex-noob Says:

    @Emster: this shot is cropped pretty closely, so I’m figuring there’s a shuttle/bug just past the frame. Maybe that’s it behind all the legs.

    @FB: It’s like he didn’t have enough money for a full shiny suit like hers, and had to use a lot of remnants/scraps/

  13. Tat Wood Says:

    Call me old-fashioned, but kneecaps and face ought to point in the same direction. A prima facie case for Anatomcal Issues.

  14. Verylatetotheparty Says:

    @Tat W: A bad case of displaced kneecaps – probably why he needs to wear silver disco knee supports.

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