Despite the terrible font, I appreciate the use of light here, like the nice backlit effect on Ms. Curvybum’s flowing skirt created by the giant test tube ting.
Always interesting how shirts are so much less durable than trousers. I mean, even in the 23rd century, Captain Kirk’s shirts suffer amazing damage whilst his trou remain perfectly intact. You’d think someone would get onto that.
after five solid months of someone in my house playing ‘Fallout: New Vegas’, I can’t look at that cover without hearing Kay Starr telling us about her spurs that jingle-jangle-jingle.
In the future Southwest, they have test tubes full of giant men with big guns. I can possibly buy cloning and growing thereof, but how did they grow the gun, trousers, and accessories?
I guess it beats nuking the place like they used to…
(ooh, timely reference — are the two a Barbie and Ken?)
Also, if you’re cloning soldiers, why would you make them fertile? What if one of them meets a curvybum lass and passes on his super-soldier genes, as the title suggests?
Looking at the rocks makes me think that somewhere, John Ford is scoffing in derision. Maybe the 10th Doctor and pals can deal with the situation.
@BC: When I first looked at this, I couldn’t see her and thought there were no women visible, and wondered how the breeding was going to happen.
If there were a cheese-o-meter rating on this cover compared to the several other published versions, this is a mild gouda. Cover does apparently match the story, sort of, so there’s that.
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July 31st, 2023 at 8:25 am
Despite the terrible font, I appreciate the use of light here, like the nice backlit effect on Ms. Curvybum’s flowing skirt created by the giant test tube ting.
July 31st, 2023 at 11:14 am
To do what, exactly?
July 31st, 2023 at 1:24 pm
Action Man wondering why someone doesn’t just take him out of the packaging already.
July 31st, 2023 at 2:50 pm
The fact he’s inside a giant condom doesn’t quite gibe with the title.
July 31st, 2023 at 3:07 pm
Always interesting how shirts are so much less durable than trousers. I mean, even in the 23rd century, Captain Kirk’s shirts suffer amazing damage whilst his trou remain perfectly intact. You’d think someone would get onto that.
July 31st, 2023 at 4:03 pm
after five solid months of someone in my house playing ‘Fallout: New Vegas’, I can’t look at that cover without hearing Kay Starr telling us about her spurs that jingle-jangle-jingle.
August 1st, 2023 at 12:00 am
“He was the only fertile man left west of the Mississippi…”
“Breeder? More like _bleeder_, amirite?!” – One of the bad guys, probably.
Very solidly 1980s cover illustration.
August 1st, 2023 at 1:38 am
In the future Southwest, they have test tubes full of giant men with big guns. I can possibly buy cloning and growing thereof, but how did they grow the gun, trousers, and accessories?
I guess it beats nuking the place like they used to…
(ooh, timely reference — are the two a Barbie and Ken?)
Also, if you’re cloning soldiers, why would you make them fertile? What if one of them meets a curvybum lass and passes on his super-soldier genes, as the title suggests?
Looking at the rocks makes me think that somewhere, John Ford is scoffing in derision. Maybe the 10th Doctor and pals can deal with the situation.
@BC: When I first looked at this, I couldn’t see her and thought there were no women visible, and wondered how the breeding was going to happen.
August 1st, 2023 at 3:46 am
The guy in the giant test tube is sending out a David Rasche / Sledge Hammer vibe.
August 1st, 2023 at 4:38 am
@JJYoyo: Trust him, he knows what and who he’s doing.
August 1st, 2023 at 12:33 pm
This is off topic, but I was wondering if Tweet Jane is now X Jane.
August 3rd, 2023 at 2:10 am
If there were a cheese-o-meter rating on this cover compared to the several other published versions, this is a mild gouda. Cover does apparently match the story, sort of, so there’s that.