May 07

It was a urine test

Good Show Sir Comments: The Write Stuff

Thanks to Ryan for sending this in!

Published 1966

Actually, that cover IS a classical work of art!I would touch it without protective gloves.I've seen worse. Far, far, worse.Interesting, but I would still read it in public.Middlng: Neither awful nor awfully goodWould not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just awful...That belongs in a gold-lame picture frame!Gah... my eyes are burning! Feels so good!Good Show Sir! (Average: 4.27 out of 10)

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23 Responses to “Mike Mars at Cape Kennedy”

  1. fred Says:

    The capsule is about to get right stuffed. There, that one’s out of the way.

  2. Dave Van Domelen Says:

    (Cape Canaveral)

  3. Francis Boyle Says:

    (Mike) Mars need women. Because I’m pretty sure he isn’t getting any. At least as long as he’s stuck in books like this. (Something tells me this is not Dick Blade territory.)

  4. Bibliomancer Says:

    Apparently the “space” capsule is just sitting there on the ground.

  5. Tat Wood Says:

    Kenneth Mars at Cape Mardy would be more entertaining.

  6. Raoul Says:

    Mike Mars at Cape Canaveral (Cape Kennedy)

  7. Daard23 Says:

    Oh…the Florida Department of Education stops a lot tests.

  8. Ryan Says:

    Mars Needs Women (Females) –

  9. fred Says:

    Back cover. Wait a minute Baton Rouge Advocate, there is only one Tom Swift and Mike Mars isn’t fit to hold Tom’s tube of pimple cream.

  10. MaxBathroom Says:

    @Francis Boyle
    You’re thinking he has something tucked away down that air hose between his legs because it’s being neglected during his astronaut training?

  11. Emster Says:

    Who was out to stop Mike from making a successful test in the space capsule?

    @Biblo, @Max – Between the capsule sitting on the ground and how-the-heck-is-it-possible-to-have-a camel toe in a space suit, the Mon Calamari rep from the Rebel Alliance disguised in foreground gave Earth a hard pass on a space tech leg-up. Thanks a lot, Mike.

    (was not nerdy enough to know the correct spelling. Yay for interwebs…

  12. Tat Wood Says:

    Surely the whole point of tests is that they’re… tests. You can’t decide in advance to have a successful one. If it were possible, Elon Musk would be able to land his Fireball XL5.

  13. MaxBathroom Says:

    @Tat Wood
    Elon Musk ain’t no Steve Zodiac: he has worse posture and looks less convincingly human than a Gerry Anderson puppet…

  14. B. Chiclitz Says:

    The Full Blurb dept.:

    “Don Wollheim is aiming to make his MIKE MARS the Tom Swift of the coming generation and he may well succeed. Then again . . . .”

    (thanks for the back cover @fred)

  15. GSS ex-noob Says:

    Other than the unfortunate background color, this is a blah but inoffensive cover. No anatomical weirdness or inappropriate surrealism.

    Although, shouldn’t Mike be on a conning tower, and (since it’s a Gemini) have a buddy? Though apparently the original was, properly, a Mercury. And why are Mike and his craft out on the launch pad when there’s a rocket being fired?

    @fred: I’m more uncertain about the Baton Rouge Advocate’s grasp of major differences in plot and character. Mike here seems to strictly be an adult pilot and astronaut, whereas Tom Swift was a jack of all super-scientific trades and a teen. Did Mike buzz around in an Atomicar, gunning down desert Cossacks, or drilling holes into magma? He did not.

    @Emster: I see you do not frequent seafood restaurants, else you’d have known that. It is a requirement among my nerd friends that if someone orders squid, at least one person at the table must say “it’s a trap!”

  16. Bruce A Munro Says:

    His mom. (She’s worried about her little boy! Why couldn’t he be a doctor or a lawyer or some other job that doesn’t involve sitting atop a giant bomb??)

  17. Emster Says:

    @GSSxn – sounds like a great tradition to me – I’ll exclaim it loudly next time I’m at a seafood buffet. Pretty sure my sib will get it, too nerdy to care what anyone else thinks.

    @Ryan – I’m not sure Mike Mars is cool enough for that theme song, but I like it.

  18. A. R. Yngve Says:

    Oh, this is just frustrating. The cover is meh. Not enough dumb stuff to make fun of.

  19. Bruce A Munro Says:

    @AR Yngve: you could make fun of how Mike is going to be struggling to get his other leg up into that tiny aperture. Perhaps the dude in the foreground is supposed to help lift him in?

  20. GSS ex-noob Says:

    @Me at #15: I caught a rerun of “Wild Wild West” this weekend that did indeed have Cossacks in the desert. Right by those rocks Captain Kirk fought the Gorn at in the same era.

    @Bruce: Maybe Mike’s just posing heroically for this shot and then Ackbar’s pal is going to slide him in feet first. Or head first, I’m not old enough to remember Mercury or Gemini boarding procedure.

  21. Tat Wood Says:

    @Max Bathroom: maybe Mike Mars is a supermarket own-brand knock-off of Mike Mercury from ‘Supercar’. Early Supermarionation characters had a distinct whiff of Larry Parnes pop-star names, before crossing over and hiring a pre-existing band called The Spectrum to impersonate the cast of ‘Captain Scarlet’.

  22. Hammy Says:

    @TatW( prev.):

    Mike Mars: cheap knock off of Mike Mercury. Less flamboyant and his singing is inferior to Freddie Mercury. Not as tough as American professional wrestler Jerry Mercury (ne Adam Birch).

    Way less tasty than a Mars bar, too.

  23. Tat Wood Says:

    @Hammy: and he was terrible in the off=Broadway revival of ‘The Producers’.

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