May 06

Mr. NeckTing!

Max Bathroom Comments: The thighs of Sarsis…

Published 1980

Actually, that cover IS a classical work of art!I would touch it without protective gloves.I've seen worse. Far, far, worse.Interesting, but I would still read it in public.Middlng: Neither awful nor awfully goodWould not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just awful...That belongs in a gold-lame picture frame!Gah... my eyes are burning! Feels so good!Good Show Sir! (Average: 5.75 out of 10)

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16 Responses to “The Eyes of Sarsis”

  1. fred Says:

    Not one piece of Offutness on this cover…OH there’s that…and that…and possibly that.

  2. Tor Mented Says:

    Her, but NOT the boat she rode in on.
    (OK, it makes less sense this time around.)

  3. NomadUK Says:

    I’m just trying to figure out the event this is meant to represent.

    Is she just getting ready to step out of the boat β€” or maybe to straddle her lizard β€” and is surprised to suddenly discover a dude standing at the stern? Has he been hiding under the seat all this time? Or did he just ting into existence? And who’s steering this thing, anyway?

  4. Tat Wood Says:

    Tiana’s been playing Candy Crush too much and is hallucinating floating diamonds. She’s so disorientated she forgot to pack Nair.

  5. Emster Says:

    Tag with “awkward hand/weapon placement – I can’t unsee that”?

    At the very least he should be less worried about grabbing Startled Nicole Kidman and more worried that he’s gonna get his undercarriage mashed by her sword hilt/pommel. Keep yer hands to yerself, bub!

  6. GSS ex-noob Says:

    At least yon damsel has more skin covered here than in the other… does she end up totally starkers except for the metal underpants by the third one? checks ISFDB Pretty near, although she’s wearing a string bikini, a ridiculous hat, and she’s sprouted wings.

    I’ve no idea what the lizard’s doing there. Neither does the lizard. He probably just crawled onto the bow to take a nap (camouflaged) and suddenly there’s a ginger bimbo and Mr. NeckTing!

    Not sure how this boat is being propelled unless Tiana and lizard are washing ashore onto the jagged rocks.

    @Nomad: By her look of surprise, I think he Ting!ed into existence there.

    @Emster: Heartily agree. That hilt is going into his bits. And doubly agree about the awkward hand/arm position; I got mine into it a few minutes ago and it still hurts, even sans scimitar and head turn.

    Finally: Rowena can’t quite draw feet, or at least toes. I’m not sure about Tiana’s kneecap either. Or her spinal column.

  7. Verylatetotheparty Says:

    Like Nomad I can’t work out what’s going on here. What is Tiana supposed to be reacting to? Breastplate bloke doesn’t look like he could sneak up on anyone, he seems to be in a static robot pose that makes me think the glowing throat jewel is a mind control thingy. And what is the lizard so grumpy about?

  8. Ryan Says:

    “This boat ride is so BORING. I know, let’s all do our favorite things!”

    And so it was that Biff Breastplateman turned on his Jewel of Illumination and began to dance The Robot, and simultaneously Tiana shaved her legs with a sabre while keeping her eyes averted, and Horny the Iguana froze in place, only moving his eyes independently to watch the diverse performances of the other passengers.

  9. Emster Says:

    I was havin’ one of those Mondays… GSS to all for the giggles.

  10. Bruce A Munro Says:

    It’s a photo shoot, and the director is demanding increasingly absurd poses. The guy is a camera-golem.

  11. GSS ex-noob Says:

    @Emster: Many’s the time the good folk of GSS have snapped me out of the blahs. They headed off one actual depressive episode for me once.

    @Vlttp: You’d look startled if you were just shaving your legs with your pet lizard on a small boat when suddenly there’s a Ting! from a half-armored dude. Who is probably doing the robot, and maybe he’s also got a speaker playing his dance tunes.

    @Ryan: GSS! 11/10, no notes.

  12. fred Says:

    Preliminary art for this cover. Some things seem to have gotten bigger when compared to the second link, the finished painting.

  13. The Real Zarth Arn Says:

    β€œThe Eyes of Sarsis are up here, Mac!”

  14. Verylatetotheparty Says:

    @Ryan and GSSxn: Yep, alright, as good an explanation as any.

    @Zarth: I can’t do links but check ‘The Demon in the Mirror’ – and expect a letter from my solicitor.

  15. GSS ex-noob Says:

    After 2 whole covers, I can’t believe no one’s gone for this low-hanging fruit, so I’m going to decree Ting!Neck’s background music is

    “The eyyyyes of Tharsis are upoooon you!”

  16. Verylatetotheparty Says:

    Not so low-hanging that I didn’t need to google it.

    May I offer ‘Sheeee’s got Bette Sarsis Eyes!’

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