Of course Justice is not just another name for Revenge! Obviously Justice is another name for ‘Floating Man-Tiger and Scuba-Horse Meet on Crystal Hill’.
I can’t actually see the join, but I’m convinced that’s merely a small man DRESSED as a tiger. The horse, however, is most definitely a scuba diver. The artist has done his research: see how a horse needs THREE oxygen tanks, as opposed to the standard two required by humans.
The only possible justification for this cover (and even that’s going some) is that that scene appears in the book. In which case; why haven’t I read this book?
Wait…so why does the horse need the scuba equipment? As far as I can see the scene doesn’t take place under water and the tiger is breathing just fine.
So why is the horse a scuba diver, why, why is this detail the one that bugs me the most?
The only review at Amazon on this book with this cover contains the following – “Chicken planet? What?”.
My life will be forever empty knowing a chicken planet cover was never brought into being.
I had remembered basically nothing from when I read the book, but after a glance through I can confirm that the scene is in the book, but as expected is less interesting than it appears.
The man-tiger is a tiger version of the intelligent Underpeople in C. Smith’s books. The horse is just an ordinary horse, and is wearing the mask because the air is too thin on this planet to breathe (I don’t know why the man-tiger doesn’t have one). And the man-tiger is trying to jump across the chasm to rescue the horse, which is trapped on that crystal cliff (the horse, naturally, is freaked out by the man-tiger and just trying to stay away from him).
The man-tiger is surprisingly similar to the book’s description: not a very human-like form, with “his ears on top of his head, yellow and black fur over his face, huge incisors overlapping his lower jaw and enormous antenna-like whiskers sticking out from his moustache.”
And now thanks to Fred I have to keep skimming the book in order to find this “chicken planet”… Seriously, what?
Is the tiger leaping at a scuba-horse, or has the horse been watching too many Fast And Furious movies and thinks he can run faster if he straps on some NOS?
And the tiger….He looks like he just ate a little boy and the boy is crying out to the horse to save him, or it’s a kid in his Halloween costume thinking that he has acquired new powers by putting on said-costume and is playing King-of-the-Hill with a horse determined to prove to the kid that HE is actually “king of the hill”….whew, talk about run-on!
Remember kids, SCUBA horse says not to get hooked on nitrous oxide. I did, and look where I ended up – trapped on a crystal cliff with this mother lovin’ tigerman trying to “help” me.
If I was GM-ing this encounter, I’d give Mantiger a small bonus to stick his landing because he’s got tiger claws. Then I’d tack on a massive penalty because they’ll do him zero good landing on a glass surface. In fact, judging by his angle and the look on his face, I think Tigerman just rolled a big fumble.
Wait, if the air’s so thin Scooby needs an oxygen tank, how is that river of fire staying alight?
I keep coming back to this cover again and again and it never stops being hilarious/awesome/totally ludicrous that this is on a book. I love science fiction and fantasy because it showcases so wonderfully the ability of the human brain to come up with stuff like this…and then make other people really, really want to read it…
@27: Neither man-tiger nor scuba horse would like Neuron World or Asylum World. But they’d fit right in to the parade on Circus World. I think they’d like it. Probably get jobs there.
This cover is so endearingly goofy that I don’t have the heart to make fun of it. I suspect that the artist didn’t have much of a “feel” for sci-fi and was just paying the bills while hoping something better would come along.
Scott @16 was pretty close–the scene is in the book, sort of. Actually, the bits of the scene are in the book, just not assembled as they are on the cover. The man-tiger is indeed trying to rescue the horse. The horse is a real, very old horse, a pet basically, that has been rendered immortal by one of the fabulously wealthy denizens of Norstrilia. Its heart is failing and it lives in a satellite. It’s given a chamber with supplemental oxygen to make up for its failing heart, and it is given dreams of having adventures on the sand planet Mizzer. It is also given a roster of space cadets to ride it. In the satellite. This is Cordwainer Smith, after all.
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July 27th, 2011 at 9:06 am
Welp, now that flying man-tiger is going to be appearing in my nightmares.
July 27th, 2011 at 9:08 am
Early concept art for Avatar?
July 27th, 2011 at 10:47 am
I do believe, this is the most epic battle anyone has and will imagine in life.
Linebarger you genius bastard.
July 27th, 2011 at 11:01 am
I don’t think the tiger is jumping, I think it’s falling. Look at the pleading expression in its eyes!
July 27th, 2011 at 12:14 pm
Of course Justice is not just another name for Revenge! Obviously Justice is another name for ‘Floating Man-Tiger and Scuba-Horse Meet on Crystal Hill’.
July 27th, 2011 at 2:14 pm
Ah yes, I remember that drug, too.
July 27th, 2011 at 2:53 pm
I can’t actually see the join, but I’m convinced that’s merely a small man DRESSED as a tiger. The horse, however, is most definitely a scuba diver. The artist has done his research: see how a horse needs THREE oxygen tanks, as opposed to the standard two required by humans.
July 27th, 2011 at 4:08 pm
How did I miss this literary gem?? Also, the tiger’s face looks like John Scalzi.
July 27th, 2011 at 4:29 pm
The only possible justification for this cover (and even that’s going some) is that that scene appears in the book. In which case; why haven’t I read this book?
July 27th, 2011 at 4:30 pm
Which might mean the cover has worked.
*Is thoroughly confused*
July 27th, 2011 at 4:39 pm
Wait…so why does the horse need the scuba equipment? As far as I can see the scene doesn’t take place under water and the tiger is breathing just fine.
So why is the horse a scuba diver, why, why is this detail the one that bugs me the most?
July 27th, 2011 at 5:47 pm
My goodness–it’s Congressman Wu!
July 27th, 2011 at 5:49 pm
The only review at Amazon on this book with this cover contains the following – “Chicken planet? What?”.
My life will be forever empty knowing a chicken planet cover was never brought into being.
July 27th, 2011 at 5:52 pm
That 40 a day habit had left Champion the Wonder Horse with crippling emphysema.
July 28th, 2011 at 12:41 pm
Mr. Ed: The Next Generation
July 28th, 2011 at 4:36 pm
I had remembered basically nothing from when I read the book, but after a glance through I can confirm that the scene is in the book, but as expected is less interesting than it appears.
The man-tiger is a tiger version of the intelligent Underpeople in C. Smith’s books. The horse is just an ordinary horse, and is wearing the mask because the air is too thin on this planet to breathe (I don’t know why the man-tiger doesn’t have one). And the man-tiger is trying to jump across the chasm to rescue the horse, which is trapped on that crystal cliff (the horse, naturally, is freaked out by the man-tiger and just trying to stay away from him).
The man-tiger is surprisingly similar to the book’s description: not a very human-like form, with “his ears on top of his head, yellow and black fur over his face, huge incisors overlapping his lower jaw and enormous antenna-like whiskers sticking out from his moustache.”
And now thanks to Fred I have to keep skimming the book in order to find this “chicken planet”… Seriously, what?
July 29th, 2011 at 5:30 am
Ah, chicken planet, yes. “Cackle gabble, gabble cackle, man, man, man, eat them, eat them!”
August 2nd, 2011 at 12:52 am
Watch out, Rocketeer Stallion, Snarf is going to attack!
August 15th, 2011 at 8:40 pm
Is the tiger leaping at a scuba-horse, or has the horse been watching too many Fast And Furious movies and thinks he can run faster if he straps on some NOS?
And the tiger….He looks like he just ate a little boy and the boy is crying out to the horse to save him, or it’s a kid in his Halloween costume thinking that he has acquired new powers by putting on said-costume and is playing King-of-the-Hill with a horse determined to prove to the kid that HE is actually “king of the hill”….whew, talk about run-on!
August 27th, 2011 at 12:42 am
Remember kids, SCUBA horse says not to get hooked on nitrous oxide. I did, and look where I ended up – trapped on a crystal cliff with this mother lovin’ tigerman trying to “help” me.
September 10th, 2011 at 7:11 am
If I was GM-ing this encounter, I’d give Mantiger a small bonus to stick his landing because he’s got tiger claws. Then I’d tack on a massive penalty because they’ll do him zero good landing on a glass surface. In fact, judging by his angle and the look on his face, I think Tigerman just rolled a big fumble.
Wait, if the air’s so thin Scooby needs an oxygen tank, how is that river of fire staying alight?
October 6th, 2011 at 8:07 pm
Note to man-tiger: Do NOT leap against razor-sharp cliffs without protective paw gear.
March 18th, 2013 at 7:47 pm
Long overdue a TING!
July 6th, 2013 at 11:26 pm
I keep coming back to this cover again and again and it never stops being hilarious/awesome/totally ludicrous that this is on a book. I love science fiction and fantasy because it showcases so wonderfully the ability of the human brain to come up with stuff like this…and then make other people really, really want to read it…
July 7th, 2013 at 3:25 pm
Man-tiger: I CAN HAZ JUSTIS?
January 21st, 2014 at 2:40 pm
The horse really needs to be wearing flippers for this scene to be believable.
October 20th, 2017 at 3:28 pm
So…which worlds do you fancy are being quested? I’m thinking Circus World, Neuron World, and Asylum World, but there’s enough to choose from.
October 21st, 2017 at 12:16 am
@27: Neither man-tiger nor scuba horse would like Neuron World or Asylum World. But they’d fit right in to the parade on Circus World. I think they’d like it. Probably get jobs there.
October 21st, 2017 at 4:03 am
This cover is so endearingly goofy that I don’t have the heart to make fun of it. I suspect that the artist didn’t have much of a “feel” for sci-fi and was just paying the bills while hoping something better would come along.
August 30th, 2018 at 11:42 am
Scott @16 was pretty close–the scene is in the book, sort of. Actually, the bits of the scene are in the book, just not assembled as they are on the cover. The man-tiger is indeed trying to rescue the horse. The horse is a real, very old horse, a pet basically, that has been rendered immortal by one of the fabulously wealthy denizens of Norstrilia. Its heart is failing and it lives in a satellite. It’s given a chamber with supplemental oxygen to make up for its failing heart, and it is given dreams of having adventures on the sand planet Mizzer. It is also given a roster of space cadets to ride it. In the satellite. This is Cordwainer Smith, after all.