Sep 04

Well... she's dead...Click for full image

Scott Comments: I actually like this cover, seriously (especially the comically surprised look), but I figured it needed to find its true audience at Good Show Sir.
Published 1960

Actually, that cover IS a classical work of art!I would touch it without protective gloves.I've seen worse. Far, far, worse.Interesting, but I would still read it in public.Middlng: Neither awful nor awfully goodWould not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just awful...That belongs in a gold-lame picture frame!Gah... my eyes are burning! Feels so good!Good Show Sir! (Average: 5.76 out of 10)

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28 Responses to “Starfire”

  1. GSS Admin Says:

    Yes, really isn’t that bad. And why do I hear a comical.. BOIIIIIINNNNNNNGGG right after reading the blurb!

  2. Phil Says:

    Be careful, or you will raise the ire of the starf.

  3. Tat Wood Says:

    The word ‘Flubber’ springs to mind, so to speak. Fred McMurray (or maybe Don Knotts – eesh!) in thermal underwear, wellies and a crash-helmet bounces up to meet…

    … dunno. I can’t think of any red-headed early 60s starlet this looks like.

  4. Tat Wood Says:

    Plus the lettering, which ought really to warrant a ‘Font Problems’ tag, is too endearingly vintage to be annoying. It’s like a failed sitcom from the makers of ‘Bewitched’.

    (Maybe they travel Time and Space inside Dick Yorke’s Wardrobe).

  5. Dead Stuff With Big Teeth Says:

    @Tat: Lucille Ball might do it, on a dare. But she would be rather too old for the part, even by ’63.

    My font problem is that I keep reading one of the Bs in ‘Robert Buckner’ as an F.

  6. Bibliomancer Says:

    It’s astronaut Jose Jimenez … with Charo !

  7. DaveM Says:

    Wow, a font that makes comic sans look formal..

    Does anyone else think when they did the collage for this cover that they got the astronauts left arm a bit wrong? Can’t put my finger on the problem exactly, it just looks “off” compared to the right arm.

    Oh, trivia: This book was made into a 1962 Disney film “Moon Pilot”.

  8. fred Says:

    Damn. Movie scripts. Wow. Elvis, Flynn, Cagney. Starfire/Moonpilot Disney 1962.

  9. A.R.Yngve Says:

    We need a “Time Capsule” tag for books like these — as in “A cover which perfectly captures a bygone era”…

  10. Dead Stuff With Big Teeth Says:

    Hm. If she’s Starfire, is he supposed to be Robin or Nightwing? I’ll say Nightwing, since with all of those stars it must be nighttime.

  11. anon Says:

    I’d be worried if an astronaut wasn’t surprised to find a scantly-clad woman in his arms – *while on a spacewalk*!

  12. Tat Wood Says:

    Whatever he’s looking at, it isn’t her.

  13. A.R.Yngve Says:

    It’s possible to read the title as STARF IRE — whatever that is.

  14. anon Says:

    @Tat Wood: Oh, that’s right! It looks like he’s reading a binder…

  15. Alessandra Kelley Says:

    This reminds me of the old covers for “The Girl, the Gold Watch, and Everything”.

    @DaveM: It’s the left hand. The angle and positioning of the thumb is messed up and the knuckles are just a hair low.

  16. Dead Stuff With Big Teeth Says:

    ‘I’ve fallen off my chair, Brian.’

  17. Tor Mented Says:

    The crew of the International Space Station eagerly awaits such shipments.

  18. fred Says:

    Review w/ back cover.

  19. Tracy Says:

    Gwen Verdon for thebomb shell! Or Ann-Margret. Plus, both can dance.

    This cover isn’t too bad, save the figures look too disassociated from each other. But that kind of thing happens in zero gravity, I guess.

  20. Bruce A Munro Says:

    Her resistance to vacuum conditions and radiation should have warned him she was actually a giant tardigrade in a girl suit.

  21. A. R. Yngve Says:

    Hold it! Wait a minute! I take back what I said earlier.
    This book isn’t part of a “bygone era” at all.

    It evolved… into this:

  22. Francis Boyle Says:

    Tardigrade or not, I don’t think she’s mammalian. Space Sheep can stand down.

  23. B. Chiclitz Says:

    @Tracy—you beat me to the “Ann-Margret” ID! I was also thinking Shirley MacClaine perhaps, but Ann-Margret is a better call.

  24. B. Chiclitz Says:

    Wait a minnit . . . maybe she’s the bashful scientist and he’s the gorgeous orbit-sending creature? Ya gotta admit he is a little swoony. . . .

  25. GSS ex-noob Says:

    I’m guessing Wacky Hijinx Ensue, with lots of “funny” sound effects.

    @Bruce: don’t be silly. It’s millions of regular-sized tardigrades in an Ann-Margret suit.

  26. GSS ex-noob Says:


    Someone of us needs to find this book in the wild, because it is right up our alley for mockery.

  27. Bruce A Munro Says:

    @GSS ex-noob: I am skeptical, but it would explain why they’re having so much trouble working the arm.

  28. THX 1139 Says:

    Was there a Don Knotts film called Astro Babe Magnet?

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