JuanPaul Comments: Great example of why you should cover your mouth when you yawn. It only takes a second for adventurers to wander in.
Published 1985
Sérgio Comments: I guess that having metal waste expelled from your mouth and eyes is a textbook example of “dying inside”…
Published 1975
Scott B Comments: I’m not sure this new remake of “Home Alone” is going to catch on.
Published 1969
Bob Comments: I volunteer in an Oxfam bookshop which provides a happy hunting ground for dubious scifi and fantasy cover art! I came across a load of stuff whilst having a clear out of old stock the other day. I’m especially impressed with The Dragon Waiting, it seems to be missing a leg and has speared itself through its abdomen with its own tail, a truly troubled beast….
Published 1985
Scott Comments: I actually like this cover, seriously (especially the comically surprised look), but I figured it needed to find its true audience at Good Show Sir.
Published 1960
Tom Noir’s Art Direction: Here it is, this is gonna blow your minds: a hot babe getting felt up in an open grave! But make it black-and-white so we can slip it past the censors. Put some bats in there too. OH! And make sure the bats have boobs.
Published 1991 or 1996
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