Charles Comments: That’s the way my eyes felt seeing this cover.
Published 1985
Joaquin Comments: Portrait of the author weeping when he saw this cover.
Published 1963
Good Show Sir Comments: Granada Books Art Director. Second guessing some career decisions.
Published 1981
Mister Peabody comments: I’ll just blend in with this school of fish. He’ll never find me.
You might remember this from here.
Published 1961
Tag Wizard comments: Time for one of my favourite tags. My Head Aplode!
Published 1977
From the GSS Slack Channel:
Tweet Jane: Where did you guys disappear to? I had to get the cleaning lady to let me in the locked offices.
GSS Admin: Sorry, I’ve been on August holiday. I’ve always promised myself a month in Bangkok.
Tweet Jane: August holiday? You haven’t returned from last August’s holiday. Your voice mail and mailbox are full.
GSS Admin: Gotta run. The cabana boy is bringing over the cocktails.
Tag Wizard: Sorry, but I’ve, uh, been detained. It’s all a misunderstanding. My solicitor will have it all straightened out in no time at all!
Tweet Jane: Well what about the 2000th Post? We were planning to a have a contest, and prizes, and a big month-long rollout.
Tag Wizard: Oh yeah. Slipped my mind. Go into the submission form and see what’s laying around. Something with nice pair of jubblies is always a hit. The password is on a post-it note somewhere on my desk.
Tweet Jane: And I’m taking all the petty cash. You haven’t paid me in two months.
Univers 06
Good Show Sir Comments: “What to Expect When You’re Expecting: Rosemary’s Baby Edition”
Thanks again to Alain for the J’ai Lu’s!
Published 1976
Nathan Comments: Looks like something the psychiatrist doodles while pretending to listen to you.
Published 1975
Good Show Sir Comments: “Nyah-Nyah-Nyah, I can’t hear you!”
Thanks Suzie-Q for sending this in!
Published 1971
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