Good Show Sir Comments: I would sell Boy to the slavers to get my hands on an “Official” Ape-English Dictionary.
Published 1964
Good Show Sir Comments: I would sell Boy to the slavers to get my hands on an “Official” Ape-English Dictionary.
Published 1964
Max Bathroom Comments: “I’m so eighties retro even my parrot has a new wave hairdo.”
Published 1987
FluffyGhostKitten Comments: There’s using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, and then there’s this.
Published 1999
Tag Wizard comments: Time for one of my favourite tags. My Head Aplode!
Published 1977
Ryan Comments: No one is free of servitude to their feline pets.
Published 1982
Good Show Sir Comments: Apparently this harem is somewhere in Florida.
Thanks to Ryan for sending this in.
Published 1984
Lillie Awesome Art Direction: Give me a little man, with a giant bird grafted to his head, and out of the giant bird’s head, I want a man’s head if human heads were shaped like potatoes, but upside down, and sitting inside that, I want a man, but with a bird’s head, and maybe make it look like the bird-headed man is shooting a bird out of his hand, which should also be holding a torch. Throw a bunch of rainbow people in a birth control pillbox in the background — it’s very high concept. We’re going to have to skimp on printing costs because we went over budget persuading Heinlein and Asimov to appear together, so don’t break your neck painting detail. Now, what say we make this a five martini lunch?
Published 1970
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