Randall Frost Comments “Steve, I’m cool with indulging the whole scuba fetish thing, but I’m not wearing that dolphin head!”
Published 1982
JuanPaul Comments: I wonder if those two guys are having humerus thoughts.
Published 1975
Lillie Awesome Art Direction: Give me a little man, with a giant bird grafted to his head, and out of the giant bird’s head, I want a man’s head if human heads were shaped like potatoes, but upside down, and sitting inside that, I want a man, but with a bird’s head, and maybe make it look like the bird-headed man is shooting a bird out of his hand, which should also be holding a torch. Throw a bunch of rainbow people in a birth control pillbox in the background — it’s very high concept. We’re going to have to skimp on printing costs because we went over budget persuading Heinlein and Asimov to appear together, so don’t break your neck painting detail. Now, what say we make this a five martini lunch?
Published 1970
Good Show Sir Comments: For such a big car, you would think it would have more headroom.
Published 1974
Chris D Comments: I quite like this cover. As far as following the plot, I suppose that the vacuum tube with the face in is meant to be one of the computers with a human brain. I also like that it was probably completed in just under a half hour.
Published 1967
Bibliomancer Comments: Stop changing your mind and put your metal bra on. We’ll be late for the party.
Published 1973
Missie Comments: It’s a little-known fact that when Asimov died, he was days away from sending his own head into space.
Published 1969
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