Charles Comments: That’s the way my eyes felt seeing this cover.
Published 1985
Charles Comments: That’s the way my eyes felt seeing this cover.
Published 1985
JuanPaul Comments: It’s what David Miscavige sees when he looks in a mirror.
Published 1988
Arthur Dent Comments: In the future, self-driving cars will still have issues.
Published 1996
Alice Comments Can’t wait to read Knight of Ghosts and Shadows and Summoned to Tourney!
Published 1993
Dunwiddie Comments: I cannot imagine how that leg is connected to her body.
Published 1978
Tat Wood Comments: The Northern Line didn’t look this 1980s even in the 1980s.
Sorry for the delay, Tat. Your submissions got caught in my spam folder. Fancy that.
I hereby declare it Tat Wood Week! – GSS Admin
Published 1989
Peter Comments: This is exact moment when Enzo Ferrari chose the prancing horse for his logo.
Published 1986
Good Show Sir Comments: Things get ugly arguing over a Renaissance Faire parking spot.
Published 1993
Good Show Sir Comments: Robot! I’ve been waiting an eternity for my check. Have the valet bring my car around. It’s the surrey with the fringe on top.
Published 1986
Good Show Sir’s Art Direction: Ever taken something that’s made you feel like you have become part car driving the wrong way while a burning phoenix holds your eyes open? No? Well take this and draw my friend! DRAW!
Published 1973
Many thanks to Foster!
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