Good Show Sir Comments: “Check out my paper airplane gun.”
Thanks to Ryan for sending this in!
Published 1977
Good Show Sir Comments: “Check out my paper airplane gun.”
Thanks to Ryan for sending this in!
Published 1977
FluffyGhostKitten Comments:
Old Plato saw both mind and matter.
Thomas Hobbes saw but the latter.
Now Tom’s soul doth rot in Hell.
Quoth the Lord, “It’s immaterial. Now put on the bloody tiger suit.”
Published 2021
Marvin Comments: In case of girlfriend emergency, break glass.
Published 1964
JuanPaul Art Direction: What we’re looking for is a cover that seems to question the reader’s worthiness to buy this book. It should almost say, “Kid, what are doing here? Look at us: Cat Men in spacesuits with our own f-ing spaceship. Do you REALLY think you can handle this?”
Published 1990
JuanPaul Comments: It’s what David Miscavige sees when he looks in a mirror.
Published 1988
Mister Peabody Comments: Wait! I thought I was signing up for Planet Fitness. I want my money back!
Published 1961
Rick Deckard Comments: Looks like our Halloween party dates have arrived!
Published 1956
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