JuanPaul Art Direction: What we’re looking for is a cover that seems to question the reader’s worthiness to buy this book. It should almost say, “Kid, what are doing here? Look at us: Cat Men in spacesuits with our own f-ing spaceship. Do you REALLY think you can handle this?”
Published 1990
Tom Noir Comments: “Ohhh yes. She CAN take more of this, captain, if ye take my meaning!”
Published 1999
Good Show Sir’s Art Direction: What can I say we keep on winning with man tigers… but how could we improve it I hear you ask? Dinosaurs! Lots of them! With swords and shields! They don’t even need to be anthropomorphic!
Published 2016
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Frank Comments: What was that about Baen book covers being like shooting fish in a barrel? These two ladies are providing way too much exposed target below the waistline for pointy and edgy devices.
Published 1992
Tom Noir Comments: At last Jimmy Doohan gets a chance to have a story where HE’S the hero, instead of that bozo Bill Shatner!
Published 1997
DPN Comments: Cat-man had only moments to reflect on some of the poor decisions he made in his life.
Published June 2011 / August 2012
Click for full UNSHEEPED image
Tom Noir Comments: Naked cybernetic armed cat woman in an improbable pose bursting through a cover of shiny 3D fonts? This is what happens when cover designers play Bingo. This cover is SO shiny that the camera couldn’t quite deal with it. Pretty much everything that looks black is actually highly-reflective chrome.
Published 1998
We’ve both been talking this over and really there is one thing we need on our cover. A horrific font! Have it big, bold, blocky and have the ‘fought’ look like someone has tried to adjust the colour balance in photoshop and then forgot about it. For the rest, just have some women crawling out of the air vent shooting an android. But seriously, who cares about the artwork these days.
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