Good Show Sir comments: “Playmaster” was also the title of Hugh Hefner’s failed sadist magazine.
Thanks to Ryan for sending this in!
Published 1979
Good Show Sir comments: “Playmaster” was also the title of Hugh Hefner’s failed sadist magazine.
Thanks to Ryan for sending this in!
Published 1979
Yamamanama Comments: Moondust, or The Fantabulous Adventures of Luna Moth Girl and Sphinx Moth Boy.
Published 1977
Good Show Sir Comments: Apparently this harem is somewhere in Florida.
Thanks to Ryan for sending this in.
Published 1984
Good Show Sir’s Art Direction: What can I say we keep on winning with man tigers… but how could we improve it I hear you ask? Dinosaurs! Lots of them! With swords and shields! They don’t even need to be anthropomorphic!
Published 2016
Good Show Sir Art Direction: You screwed up, the title is “Bulldog.” Forget it. It will be easier to just rewrite the book.
Published 2000
Dead Stuff with Big Teeth’s Art Direction: Tinfoil! Tinfoil is the future, my dear boy! Look, see how I look when I wear it as a hood. Now paint me on the rest of the roll, but as if I were a one-dimensional tigerman. And how the money rolls in!
Published 1994
Tom Noir Comments: This is a good cover. Just try not to think about the fact that when she stands up she’s not wearing anything past her navel. Or about what’s going on with her breastplate. Or how her stubby arm can support a shield that big. Or about the fact that she appears to have just passed gas/the ghost of her mother-in-law.
Published 2001
Tom Noir Comments:That key unlocks WHAT now??
Published 1993 or 1996
DPN Comments: Cat-man had only moments to reflect on some of the poor decisions he made in his life.
Published June 2011 / August 2012
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