Emster Comments: Sea of Death? I “see” that Gord is getting a mild scolding from the mystic lifeguard for not changing into his swim trunks before entering the pool deck.
Published 1987
Emster Comments: Sea of Death? I “see” that Gord is getting a mild scolding from the mystic lifeguard for not changing into his swim trunks before entering the pool deck.
Published 1987
jun Comments: Conan is still muscular while in prison. I wonder where he is getting his nutrients….Wait, there is another prisoner in the corner…. but he is all bones now…. I wonder what happened to his flesh…..ohhhh,,,eeewwwww
Published 1989
Rick Deckard Comments Hey GSS. Does this qualify for a two-fer Tuesday?
GSS Admin: *checks notes* “It seems to meet our impeccably high standards!”
Published 1983
Tag Wizard Comments: Hey B. Chiclitz, check it out! Weird pecs! Amirite?
Published 1969
JuanPaul Comments: “I wonder if that’s true: the king goes down with the planet…”
Published 1987
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