Max Bathroom comments: “The Raymond Chandler of SF”, my arse: Gibson’s blatantly doing Ian Fleming in this one.
Published 2000
Max Bathroom comments: “The Raymond Chandler of SF”, my arse: Gibson’s blatantly doing Ian Fleming in this one.
Published 2000
Max Bathroom comments: What do you mean, photo covers don’t work for cyberpunk novels?
Published 1994
Raoul Comments: My high-school Latin tells me this title is “Fat Morgan”. Must be that guy on the left.
Published 1980
We have here a trio of Honourable Mentions since these are e-books and technically not being photographed sitting in our sweaty hands. But the “publisher” Phoenix Pick informs us that you can own an actual dead-tree book version of the same. The odds are vanishingly small that any book versions of these titles would ever be found in what few book stores still exist. So let’s have our fun with these e-book pix nicked from the Intertubes. I see some vestige of an artist signature on one of these. Go figure. But none of my usual sources gives any hint who they might be. So Unknown Artist Institute it is.
Good Show Sir Comments:
1. He-man and Cat-in-the-Hat take on flaming Gummi-Bear monster.
2. Stop wearing the chamois, son. I’ve got to dry the car.
3. Don’t think you’re setting a foot outside wearing that strapping outfit!
Published 2012
Bibliomancer Comments: They look like they’re made of milk chocolate, like chocolate Easter bunnies.
Published 1975
Magazines, franchise books, paper dolls and “non-fiction” occult. We have a potpourri jamboree here for another in our continuing series of Honourable Mentions. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
Erik Tollstedt Comments: I want an image of Ernest Hemingway. He should be sitting on a purple couch in outer space. There should be papers flying away from his lap. Also, I’d like to see Ernest Hemingway’s head explode. But not in the normal way. It should explode into several other heads, one of them a sleeping hispanic man, and the other Emperor Ming. And have some sort of purple beam shoot out of his brain too. Yeah, that will convey “creative genius” like nothing else.
Published 1990
Lillie Awesome Comments: When the party supply store attacks.
Published 1972
GSS ex-noob Comments: Why don’t you post more of my covers?
Published 2017
Theresa Comments: The satanic black mass orgy happpened so fast that it was just a blur.
Published 1973
Good Show Sir Comments: Surprisingly, he got these trousers off the rack. He just bought two pair and had the tailor do some arse alterations.
Published 1976
Good Show Sir Comments: Gonna have to rewrite this Gettysburg Address to cover The War of the Robot Rebellion.
Published 1990
Click for a larger image. Make sure that is really a man.
Bibliomancer Comments: They Walked Like Men. But a trained eye can tell the difference.
Published 1963
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