Stevie T Art Direction: Let’s make the astronaut so dark you can barely see him! And then let’s put the title in an awkward place where it’s hard to read, and make it purple on top of black! Yeah! That’ll convey “space!” To everyone!
Published 1988
Good Show Sir Comments: One of our good friends at Goodreads sums up Zanthar: “The bad news is that if you want to read an exciting mashup of Doc Savage / Buckaroo Banzai, John Carter of Barsoom, and the yellow peril tales of Fu Manchu, with just a soupçon of Lovecraftian horror, then this book isn’t it.”
1. Jeff Jones runs out of paint
2. Jeff Jones remembers he can’t paint feet
3. Jeff Jones eats the brown acid
4. Jeff Jones takes the day off
Thanks to Andre for sending these in!
Not to be confused with this or this or this.
Published 1967, 1968, 1969
Raoul Comments: My high-school Latin tells me this title is “Fat Morgan”. Must be that guy on the left.
Published 1980
Raoul Art Direction: “Don’t blame me! The cover art was the Editor’s Choice. I’m going to let the whole world know!” – former head of the Graphic Arts Department, Manor Books
Published 1965
Good Show Sir Comments: “Demented California of the future…”?
Sounds like the California of the present.
Published 1974
RachelJ Art Direction: “This is no ordinary novel. Not even a “A Novel”. This is… “A MOSAIC”. I want every element of the cover– title, subtitle, font, artwork– to blend harmoniously into one vast, resounding “WTF”.
Do it justice, my boy.”
[Note: It’s not my camera. The cover image is just really, really dark and murky and it’s hard to tell what anything is.]
Published 1990
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