Max Bathroom Comments: The original design for Beastman was deemed unsuitable for the Masters of the Universe line, and the designers had to try again.
Published 1987
Max Bathroom Comments: The original design for Beastman was deemed unsuitable for the Masters of the Universe line, and the designers had to try again.
Published 1987
Max Bathroom Comments: NEL got the rights to “Satan’s Houseplants”. Do we have another horticultural genre novel we can use the cover we commissioned for it on?
Published 1974
Ryan Comments: No one is free of servitude to their feline pets.
Published 1982
Ryan Comments: Human feet are hard to draw, but Clydesdale hooves are pretty easy. Throw in a dinosaur and no one will notice.
Published 1965
Klaatu Comments: My candidate for the Louvre of bad cover art.
Published 1981
Mosquito Wenzi Comments: Perfect! Everyone on this cover looks joyful and frabjous!
Published 1999
Margo Comments: “Reggie, stop punching him in the elbow. I don’t think killer robots have a funny bone.”
Published 1981
RachelJ Art Direction: “This is no ordinary novel. Not even a “A Novel”. This is… “A MOSAIC”. I want every element of the cover– title, subtitle, font, artwork– to blend harmoniously into one vast, resounding “WTF”.
Do it justice, my boy.”
[Note: It’s not my camera. The cover image is just really, really dark and murky and it’s hard to tell what anything is.]
Published 1990
Good Show Sir Comments: Tech support guy shows up to troubleshoot the Norman’s old iMac.
Published 1985
Good Show Sir Comments: Future teen drives the family crazy with whatever-that-is they call music.
Published 1979
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