Good Show Sir comments: Bespoke blouses to fit the wings costs her a fortune.
Thanks to Ryan for sending this in!
Published 1984
Malcolm Comments: Lookin’ cool with her fairy devil-pig and her giant Master Lock.
Published 1969
We have here a trio of Honourable Mentions since these are e-books and technically not being photographed sitting in our sweaty hands. But the “publisher” Phoenix Pick informs us that you can own an actual dead-tree book version of the same. The odds are vanishingly small that any book versions of these titles would ever be found in what few book stores still exist. So let’s have our fun with these e-book pix nicked from the Intertubes. I see some vestige of an artist signature on one of these. Go figure. But none of my usual sources gives any hint who they might be. So Unknown Artist Institute it is.
Good Show Sir Comments:
1. He-man and Cat-in-the-Hat take on flaming Gummi-Bear monster.
2. Stop wearing the chamois, son. I’ve got to dry the car.
3. Don’t think you’re setting a foot outside wearing that strapping outfit!
Published 2012
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