Jan 23

Unicorns. You mean little horses with wings?

Good Show Sir comments: Bespoke blouses to fit the wings costs her a fortune.

Thanks to Ryan for sending this in!

Published 1984

Actually, that cover IS a classical work of art!I would touch it without protective gloves.I've seen worse. Far, far, worse.Interesting, but I would still read it in public.Middlng: Neither awful nor awfully goodWould not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just awful...That belongs in a gold-lame picture frame!Gah... my eyes are burning! Feels so good!Good Show Sir! (Average: 3.07 out of 10)

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16 Responses to “The Unicorn Trade”

  1. Francis Boyle Says:

    I hope those wings work indoors because there’s no way she’s going anywhere using that sorry excuse for a foot.

  2. Tor Mented Says:

    Pegacorn? Unisus?

  3. fred Says:

    Modern unicon mythology has been monetized. So that would be a billion dollar unicorn if it wasn’t a pegasus.

  4. Cornelius Says:

    That unicorn is missing its unique horn.

  5. Bruce A Munro Says:

    The miniature or toy Pegasus has a rapid reproduction rate, which makes it an excellent source of Unicorn feed.

    @Francis Boyle: a larger problem is that it suggests one of her legs is two feet longer than the other.

  6. JuanPaul Says:

    How does she put her shirt on?

  7. Tor Mented Says:

    She just wings it.

  8. B. Chiclitz Says:

    Speaking of weird legs, that faux-Unicorns! has a terrible goiter on its left rear fetlock.

  9. Tat Wood Says:

    This has to be a My Little Pony rehab: her tiny left foot is that the end of a leg at least five feet long, while her right leg has a knee where the ankle would be on anyone else. Unlike Bratz dolls from ffteen years ago, there was no way to monetise malformation this time around so she and the gouty pegasus were put in a home and kept out of sight.

  10. GSS ex-noob Says:

    It might (or might not) help if her foot wasn’t exactly the same color as the railing and floor. I mean, are we even 100% sure she has any feet at all? Maybe she hovers 24/7. Butterflies do have very long and oddly-jointed legs, so no telling what’s under that skirt.

    I guess she’s starting with a mini-pegasus and hoping to trade her way up to unicorns! because there are none to be seen on this cover.

  11. Emster Says:

    If you tell me that Karen and Poul wrote this for a youngster in the family who likes fairies and horsies, I will forgive them just this once. However, may we all agree that Tom has to retake Fantasy Drawing 101 and How to Draw Feet 102?

  12. Tat Wood Says:

    It’s offcial: feet are hard to draw

  13. A. R. Yngve Says:

    “First Publication in Book Form.”

    Have you ever seen a movie marketed with the slogan “FIRST RELEASE IN MOVIE FORMAT”? Or a new foodstuff touted as “FIRST EVER EDIBLE VERSION OF THIS DISH”…?

  14. Bruce Alexander Munro Says:

    @AR Yngve: Well, a number of science fiction novels started out being serialized over multiple editions of science fiction magazines…

  15. JJYoyo Says:

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news for the teams considering the unicorn trade, but neither of those free agents are going to take their team to the Super Bowl. (Or, for our European friends: to the Uefa Cup)

  16. Tracy Says:

    Yeah, that mini pegasus’s right rear leg and left front leg are definitely malformed at the joints. The gout bulges are just hair, though, as appears around the hooves of Clydesdale horses. And there’s no way the fairy could hold that pose so serenely unless she was generating anti-gravity.

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