Tag Wizard Comments: Is this a book or a magazine? Who knows. I don’t make the rules around here.
Published 1997
Tag Wizard Comments: Is this a book or a magazine? Who knows. I don’t make the rules around here.
Published 1997
Rick Deckard Comments Hey GSS. Does this qualify for a two-fer Tuesday?
GSS Admin: *checks notes* “It seems to meet our impeccably high standards!”
Published 1983
Marvin Comments: Do you have a tag for unnecessary punctuation marks?
Published 1959
Ryan Comments: Linda preferred the Woz’s version of the iPad, but Steve Jobs sensed it required too much support infrastructure to be commercially successful.
Published 1978
Ozzy Comments: Geordi La Forge will take any role he can get these days.
Published 1989
Wendy Comments: Studied to be a cosmologist. Ended up a cosmetologist.
Published 1953
Bibliomancer Comments: “Listen up Ruben, I got a great idea for your novel: Masters and Johnson … in space!”
Published 1977
Good Show Sir Comments: I’m a live cat and a dead Schrödinger. I’m a paradox!
Published 1979
Carol Comments: Harvey Weinstein’s coming! Quick! Into the hazmat suit!
Published 1979
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