Emster comments: Lord of the Rings – a Space Musical!
Tag Wizard comments: And that brings Emster Week to a close. A round of terrible applause!
Published 2008
Emster comments: Lord of the Rings – a Space Musical!
Tag Wizard comments: And that brings Emster Week to a close. A round of terrible applause!
Published 2008
JuanPaul Comments: She should use that bikini top to cover up those knees.
Published 2005
GSS ex-noob Comments: Tank menaces toddler with a big gun turret! Of course the toddler has a gun too, we’re BAEN. Nah, the fonts don’t matter.
[I took your suggestion, Ms Xnob, and replaced your original with a shiny new internet grab. — T. Wizard]
Published 2004
Kat’s Art Direction: “Okay, you’ve used the front of her shirt to make shoulder pads and recycled the scraps to make some useless pouches. Good work. But you know what this cover needs? What it really, really needs? … SHINIER LETTERING.”
Published 2004
Good Show Sir Comments: We must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!
Published 2013
Good Show Sir Comments: The first rule of Girl Fight Club is: You’ll never hear the end of what happened at Girl Fight Club.
Published 2014
Dead Stuff with Big Teeth Comments: I was visiting my brother in Chicago. I showed him the site. Then we tried to complete the sentence on the cover of this book. Here are our efforts –
THE HERO…has his face stuck in a trash compactor!
…is wearing green gelatin!
…holds snowmen holding rifles in contempt!
…gets to have a double iris!
…has such kissable lips!
…was almost THE HEROT!
…looks like the dude from Aphex Twin!
…knows Christmas colors are the new teal and orange!
Published 2005
DPN Comments: Cat-man had only moments to reflect on some of the poor decisions he made in his life.
Published June 2011 / August 2012
Christian Comments: This is truly the fantasy of every elementary school boy. Knight in shining armour with laser gun and sword while riding a dinosaur with a mohawk and ankle spikes. Epic.
Published 2002
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