Good Show Sir Comments: Harlan Ellison has been promising to publish this for a long time. He allegedly had to wait for all the contributing authors to die off, so he could save money not paying them royalties.
Published 2017
Good Show Sir Comments: Harlan Ellison has been promising to publish this for a long time. He allegedly had to wait for all the contributing authors to die off, so he could save money not paying them royalties.
Published 2017
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Frank Comments: What was that about Baen book covers being like shooting fish in a barrel? These two ladies are providing way too much exposed target below the waistline for pointy and edgy devices.
Published 1992
Matt Comments: Thought this might give you paws for thought (sorry…)! An interesting variation on the usual cat people.
Published 2008
Paul H Cook Comments: This is the cover to my first novel. It didn’t sell well. My editor/publisher blamed me, of course. This looks like a Harlequin romance. Even I wouldn’t have purchased this book.
Published 1981
MisterBOB Comments: In Space Jam Jars are Rather Useful…
Published 1980
E Comments: The giant soda can in the background is the clincher.
Published 1989
Miggity’s Art Direction: Shirtless black dude in tighty whities with a space helmet and a pneumatic fishing spear gun, flanked by two white Amazonian women in see through tops giving the whole thing a weird sex vibe, with a spacecraft carrier, space figthers, four planets and sweet moon base in the foreground… PERFECT!
Published 1981
Many thanks to Miggity!
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Hayley Comments: This is what the back-cover says, “Warning: Graphic sex between a human woman and an alien male who is anatomically different from human men!”
Published 2008
Many thanks to Hayley!
Submitted through our wonderful Facebook group!
Phils Art Direction: It contains Ellison’s famous story, “A Boy and his Dog.” So let’s have a boy with his dog, but don’t make the boy too boyish and keep the dog cat-like.
Purple cat on lead! Thanks to Phil!
Eyelashes! We’ll have a dragon with eyelashes, peering over at some wizard reading his dragon magical book. It won’t just be any mage, he’ll have a magical staff! Unheard of I know. And a side parting to make the king of side partings proud. As for the title, make it silver. We have to stand out somehow.
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