Good Show Sir Comments: Harlan Ellison has been promising to publish this for a long time. He allegedly had to wait for all the contributing authors to die off, so he could save money not paying them royalties.
Published 2017
Click for full UNSHEEPED image
Tom Hering Comments: In a land where sculptures flaunt and crumble, one statue comes to life: cat girl! Little does she know, however, that life means nothing but the sight of a bug, and the sight of a bug brings sadness and withdrawal. Oh pathos! Oh cat girl!
Published 1976
Click for full SHOCKINGLY UNCENSORED image
Art Direction: Lets get this done with, I have a squash game to get to! Right, got it! Half women, the topless half I might add and half… I don’t know… Golden retriever?
Published 1977
Click for slighty bigger image
Anne’s Art Direction: It’s a book of short stories by one of the most lyrical authors in the universe? I know, we’ll put a ripped blond naked guy on the front with something or other covering his nibbits. How about a tiger head? That sends the right sort of message, don’t you think? Then we’ll surround him with some dobermans for good measure. To top it off, we definitely need three different fonts but also distract everyone with an aurora border.
Published 1978
Many thanks to Anne!
Natalie and Steve Comments: Unfortunately, Davy himself is not as vivacious as his cover suggests.
Published 1976
Many thanks to Natalie and Steve!
Shelley’s Art Direction: We’re looking for a sort of lion-centaur. And a spaceship. And gore. And…could you do something with foreshortened perspective? Thanks.
Published 1977
That is… awesome.
Many thanks to Shelley!
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