Good Show Sir Comments: Harlan Ellison has been promising to publish this for a long time. He allegedly had to wait for all the contributing authors to die off, so he could save money not paying them royalties.
Published 2017
Good Show Sir Comments: And after her new Cat Husband carried her across the threshold she kissed him under those two spectacular balls.
You might remember this re-purposed cover art from here.
Published 1981
Simon W Comments: Low budget is an overstatement on this one. Four photos and a bit of fiddling with exposures. Looks like a 4th form art project done by someone studying science.
Published 1967
Joachim Comments: How a lemur snared some bling. A rollicking space adventure.
Published 1999
Sarah Comments: I love everything about this. The floating COM-PU-TOR in the witness chair. The fact that in the FU-TAR we still have traditional, human-run courts. The mobbed-up, dark-glasses wearing judge. The spider web.
I wish every computer looked like that! Many thanks to Sarah!
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