Lord Kelvin Comments On second thought, not packing the sunscreen was a bad idea.
Published 1979
Zoom in to further enjoy Fire Dancer, Dancer’s Luck, and Dancer’s Illusion!
Good Show Sir Comments: One of our little birds sent us a link to the Smart Bitches Trashy Books blog from a few years past, wallowing in the glory of terrible Ann Maxwell book covers. We’ve skewered a few in the past such as this one, and this one. This Signet series of “Dancer Series” covers has us doffing out hat and saying Good Show Sir! Good show, indeed.
Sadly, all three covers are by a graduate of the Unknown Artist Institute, as per isfdb.org.
Published 1982, 1983
JuanPaul Comments: “Please move your hand away from there…no, that’s not okay either. May I borrow your sword for a moment?”
You might remember this from here.
Published 1977
Tag Wizard Comments: Nicola Alter writes the Thoughts on Fantasy blog and last year she set out to create an over-the-top fantasy book cover including all the standard fantasy clichés. As she wrote:
“I’ve encountered a few covers that take it a bit far, but I thought it’d be amusing to go even further, and have a bit of fun with the tropes of my favourite genre… so here is my recipe for a no-holds-barred, all-boxes-ticked, epic high fantasy book cover (accompanied by examples from the most clichéd design I can muster).”
Well, we here at Good Show Sir! consider ourselves the experts on bad covers. So we’ll be the judge of that!
So check out her post where she walks you through the steps:
And be sure to visit the rest of her site and welcome her to join us here at Good Show Sir: the home of ethnic and erudite book cover curation.
Published 2017
Tat Wood Comments: The Northern Line didn’t look this 1980s even in the 1980s.
Sorry for the delay, Tat. Your submissions got caught in my spam folder. Fancy that.
I hereby declare it Tat Wood Week! – GSS Admin
Published 1989
Only two honourable mentions for the long Easter weekend! Mainly because I have completely lost track of what’s in my inbox!
Good to be back and posting covers again, thanks to everyone for supporting me through the dark times! You all get a cookie!
Piper Comments: It isn’t exactly fantasy/science fiction. It’s psychology. The longer you look the more insane it gets (E.G. Eagle heads in crystals).
Unknown published date
Good Show Sir Comments: Unfortunately I never got to play this, I like to think it would be just as epic as the box art.
Published 1988
DPN Comments: There is someting about this cover that just isn’t working.
Published 2006
Click for full UNLEWISED image
Frank Comments: First we have The Star-Crowned Kings a Daw Books publication. I haven’t read it so don’t know what the lady-in-chain has to do with the story. But, I thought, she looks familiar, and I thought I knew where I’d seen her before: Up to the Sky in Ships, a NESFA Press collection of some of A. Bertram Chandler’s short stories. Chandler and Freas were Guests of Honor at that year’s Worldcon, which was the occasion for the book. I guess it was thought that this would be offered to a more adult audience and so the model got to stand up for this painting, so we could all see that the lady-in-chain really is a blonde.
Star Crowned Kings published 1975
Up to the Sky in Ships published 1982
It’s dos-a-dos like an Ace Double and if you flip it over you see the cover for the other collection of shorts in the book, this one from Lee Hoffman.
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