Max Bathroom Comments: After the one ring, Gollum found all other bling he encountered a bit of a let down…
Published 1985
Max Bathroom Comments: After the one ring, Gollum found all other bling he encountered a bit of a let down…
Published 1985
Sorry about the delay in posting! I would like to say the New Year was full of alchomohol but unfortunately it was full of coldy flu-y illness!
It’s been a crazy year, full of server crashes, fighting with corrupt databases, resurrections and return to nearly former glory! Just want to say thanks to all who have stuck around and I still love laughing daily at all your comments!
Also just want to thank the Tag Wizard who has been a huge help to me this year! May it continue on over 2016! Happy New Year!!
First, the top rated cover of last year:
The Tag Wizards Chosen favourite:
And my chosen favourite from the year:
Scott B Comments: Creepy eyeballs! (Also, broccoli hair.)
Published 1983
Tom Noir Comments: Ye poor souls, gaze upon the beardy face of PURE EEEEEEVIL!
Published 1983
Dead Stuff With Big Teeth Comments:
‘It’s called the Loko Meme papers.’
‘The wot?’
‘The Koko Leme papers. I don’t know. I hate these titles. I hate Orko from He-Man. He terrifies my wife, and then she won’t cook anything but broccoli and listen to her jazz LPs on the stereo.’
Published 1974
To my great surprise I’ve realised that this in fact isn’t the original and somehow a familiar man-tiger has made its way into the Hammer Horror classic The Devil Rides Out!
Have a good evening and please remember not to pick up any Clavicles of Solomon that you might find. Who knows when – or how – the great RX might be conjured!
Tom Herring Comments: Can you say b_o_n_d_a_g_e? I know you can. But will the server master let you?
Published 1975
Don W Comments: On its face, a rather plain cover. Note however the Rob-Liefeld-esque disregard for reasonable anatomy, as well as the source of the cover quote.
Published 2002
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