Now that I think about it browser placeholder images are a bit crap. Maybe I should write an extension that replaces them with random pictures of cute kittens.
I have a feeling Frazetta sent in one of his usual naked broad paintings and Paperback Library said “add a snake and some crotch armor and you’ve got yourself a book cover deal!”
@Bibliomancer—I think you have nailed it, Good Sir—I’ve found several other covers for this gem. Most of them feature a giant dodo bird, as in this example. It’s a good bet that Paperback Library felt that a repurposed Frazetta damsel, with part of a photoshopped snake, would still be a better draw even without the dodo bird.
Best “look ma no feet” use — they made it really obvious.
I think the woman and snake were literally cropped out of some other Frazetta work. Or two. Pretty sure Frank knew how to paint feet. And he always had rocky backgrounds — not the “figures floating in mid air” type. So either this was literally cut and pasted, or maybe the lady and the snake are in some very shallow, very opaque liquid? The famous Beige Mud of Atlantis?
Not only is it extreme “font problems”, it’s got decorative squiggles. Making sure you don’t miss the deathless blurb prose.
I still want a “mighty thews” tag. Yon princess is very muscled. Those thighs can take on anything, be it snake or general.
@ARY: Not the intent, but certainly what was achieved.
@B’man, BC: You are correct. I’ve had a look at all the covers, and while some are merely “meh”, many are even dafter. Really. Check ISFDB for a larf.
We sincerely apologize for the above cover. The people responsible for it have been sacked. The cover has now been replaced at the last minute and at great expense…
THE MØØSE Cilla – Princess øf Sweden – must seduce and kill a general whø is ønly part human. A savage støry øf cønsensual lust signed in triplicate, viølently løng meetings and lutefisk by
and Børk the Møøse
September 30th, 2019 at 10:19 am
*Wondering whether to post a comment about the glitch that will look confusing to anyone reading this after it’s fixed*
September 30th, 2019 at 11:05 am
Half a glitched serpent is better than no unglitched serpent at all.
September 30th, 2019 at 11:56 am
Now that I think about it browser placeholder images are a bit crap. Maybe I should write an extension that replaces them with random pictures of cute kittens.
September 30th, 2019 at 1:13 pm
Does this mean (be still my beating heart)…
The return of Technical Difficulties?
September 30th, 2019 at 2:33 pm
Best use of the “font problems” tag.
September 30th, 2019 at 2:57 pm
Glitz fixed. It’s our fault for hiring web developers from the Unknown Hackers Institute.
September 30th, 2019 at 3:48 pm
Smart Lady. She can grope herself with her own hair.
September 30th, 2019 at 4:01 pm
I have a feeling Frazetta sent in one of his usual naked broad paintings and Paperback Library said “add a snake and some crotch armor and you’ve got yourself a book cover deal!”
September 30th, 2019 at 4:24 pm
That’s some really still water? she’s standing in.
Or Frazetta wasn’t in a foot-painting mood.
Your pick.
September 30th, 2019 at 4:27 pm
“When constipation sets in, try SERPEN-EX Laxative – with the wonder ingredient Scale Extract that makes relief run smoother.
“SERPEN-EX – makes relief as smooth as a slithering snake.”
September 30th, 2019 at 6:31 pm
@Anna T. -The serpent says the feet look quite realistic.
September 30th, 2019 at 7:51 pm
@Bibliomancer—I think you have nailed it, Good Sir—I’ve found several other covers for this gem. Most of them feature a giant dodo bird, as in
this example. It’s a good bet that Paperback Library felt that a repurposed Frazetta damsel, with part of a photoshopped snake, would still be a better draw even without the dodo bird.
September 30th, 2019 at 9:46 pm
Best “look ma no feet” use — they made it really obvious.
I think the woman and snake were literally cropped out of some other Frazetta work. Or two. Pretty sure Frank knew how to paint feet. And he always had rocky backgrounds — not the “figures floating in mid air” type. So either this was literally cut and pasted, or maybe the lady and the snake are in some very shallow, very opaque liquid? The famous Beige Mud of Atlantis?
Not only is it extreme “font problems”, it’s got decorative squiggles. Making sure you don’t miss the deathless blurb prose.
I still want a “mighty thews” tag. Yon princess is very muscled. Those thighs can take on anything, be it snake or general.
@ARY: Not the intent, but certainly what was achieved.
@B’man, BC: You are correct. I’ve had a look at all the covers, and while some are merely “meh”, many are even dafter. Really. Check ISFDB for a larf.
September 30th, 2019 at 10:08 pm
Her blurb-reading pose reminds me of Pigs in Space where the Muppets would look around to see where the voiceover was coming from.
October 9th, 2019 at 1:07 pm
We sincerely apologize for the above cover. The people responsible for it have been sacked. The cover has now been replaced at the last minute and at great expense…
Cilla – Princess øf Sweden – must seduce and kill a general whø is ønly part human. A savage støry øf cønsensual lust signed in triplicate, viølently løng meetings and lutefisk by
and Børk the Møøse
October 9th, 2019 at 9:49 pm
I’d sooner read THE MØØSE.