Feb 23

Unicorn! Said FredClick for larger image

Raoul Comments: I’m too sexy for my scarf!

Published 1992

Actually, that cover IS a classical work of art!I would touch it without protective gloves.I've seen worse. Far, far, worse.Interesting, but I would still read it in public.Middlng: Neither awful nor awfully goodWould not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just awful...That belongs in a gold-lame picture frame!Gah... my eyes are burning! Feels so good!Good Show Sir! (Average: 6.00 out of 10)

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12 Responses to “Unicorn Point”

  1. THX 1139 Says:

    Unicorn point! Bruce Campbell smoulder!

  2. fred Says:

    Imagine how pointy the font would be if they were both vampires.

  3. The Blue Are Coming Says:

    There’s even a pointy red flag on the castle. It’s the longest pennant I’ve ever seen. There must be hurricane-force winds up there to keep all of it flapping. Otherwise, the flag maker wove viagra into the fabric.

  4. Francis Boyle Says:

    Never really did get the point of Unicorns so, no, thanks.

  5. JuanPaul Says:

    Sequel to ‘Apprentice Douche’. Now hop on your douchie bmw horse and go back to your McCastle.

  6. Tor Mented Says:

    Is this the book that followed Horse’s Arse?

  7. The Blue Are Coming Says:

    @Tor – if that’s the case, let’s hope the unicorn doesn’t follow too closely – or at least keeps its head up.

  8. Ryan Says:

    It was nice of the New English Library to spread the wealth by employing two entirely separate cover artists, one to do the main figures in the foreground, and one for the background.

  9. B. Chiclitz Says:

    You know what Unicorns! is about to say to sexy scarf boy, don’t you?

    “Hey, sexy scarf boy, why the long face? It’s longer than mine, even.”

    @Tor M—GSS!

  10. Bruce A Munro Says:

    Now there’s the face of a horse f**ker.
    (Piers Anthony: writing unicorn porn long before My Little Pony 2010.)

  11. GSS ex-noob Says:

    That scarf seems far bulkier than would be useful, or at least bulkier than how he’s using it. He could blend in with the unicorn! and the background better if he was wrapped in it. It looks cold there at Castle Generic, there’s a wind blowing, and his other clothing doesn’t look that warm. Maybe it’s just hiding his weird neck, what with it apparently being very long and allowing for strange head turns?

    As it is, it’s merely ungainly and doesn’t even have the panache of the 4th Doctor’s legendary scarf. Which, I may add as a proud owner of one, is useful in below zero Fahrenheit. Me being a foot shorter than Tom Baker, it served me well in very cold winters. Not so much in overheated con hotel rooms.

    I’m wondering about the stability of this planet, with the giant moon so close to it. And vice versa, that moon should be a ring of particles. Maybe it’s just a giant inflatable.

    @fred: You know how much Piers loves bad puns; presumably this extended to the font.

    @Bruce: Ugh, but I think you’re correct.

  12. A. R. Yngve Says:

    Prime Minister Putin declares that the castle and surrounding province in the UNICORN POINT cover has always been a part of Russia. Tanks and troops are gathering around spine and back cover.

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