Nov 24

Font Problems DeLuxe

Good Show Sir comments: Fabio got old.

Thanks to Ryan for sending this in!

Published 1994

Actually, that cover IS a classical work of art!I would touch it without protective gloves.I've seen worse. Far, far, worse.Interesting, but I would still read it in public.Middlng: Neither awful nor awfully goodWould not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just awful...That belongs in a gold-lame picture frame!Gah... my eyes are burning! Feels so good!Good Show Sir! (Average: 6.50 out of 10)

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16 Responses to “Poisoned Memories”

  1. Cornelius Says:

    As the orcs advanced, Timmy played his invisible piano.

  2. Francis Boyle Says:

    Based on the skin tones of everyone here I’m guessing Death’s final challenge is terminal jaundice.

  3. Max Bathroom Says:

    I didn’t know they’d done any Earthdawn novels. Were those as godawful as the Shadowrun and Battletech books FASA did?

  4. fred Says:

    They must have stopped to gaze in wonder at an off cover Vallejo woman.

  5. Tat Wood Says:

    Rishi Sunak – the Untold Story

  6. Tracy Says:

    The Witcher guards young Spock from a troop of orcs.

  7. Emster Says:

    He fled his memories and his magic – Could he protect Timmy from a pack of school bullies long enough for that bad haircut to grow out?

  8. GSS ex-noob Says:

    By definition, nobody who isn’t magic wins Death’s final challenge, so way to make the ending obvious, blurb.

    And yet the blurb makes no mention of Timmy, who really ought to have some sort of explanation why he’s there, with not so much as a pointy stick or a rock for armament. But I guess it doesn’t matter since it’s even odds whether you can still see after the title has exploded out at you.

    @fred: Likely. Timmy’s never seen one before, so he’s interested but a little scared, and the old guy is thinking “Zounds! What a set of knockers in that brass bikini!”
    (because in this kind of book and with that eyebrow, of course he says Zounds)

    @Emster: That was the haircut generations of Asian kids got stuck with. I have friends in their 50-60s who are still twitchy about the memories. This cover needs a trigger warning.

  9. JuanPaul Says:

    Death’s Final Challenge is fixing that poor kid’s haircut.

  10. Bruce A Munro Says:

    Isn’t the challenge usually chess? (Or, occasionally, Battleship.)

  11. Max Bathroom Says:

    And you think the older guy has brought Timmy along as a ringer in case the challenge is Twister rather than a board game?

  12. fred Says:

    Those spears look too insubstantial to be good weapons.

  13. GSS ex-noob Says:

    No memories, no magic. All he has is a sword and Timmy — who, let’s face it, is going to be more of a hindrance.

    I’m not liking his chances in fighting a ton of orcs without magic, or playing chess or Battleship without memories. If he had his magic, he could bring the giant spiky font down on the orcs.

    @Max: Timmy’s probably hoping it’s Twister, so he can win and join the orcs, who look way cooler than the man.. Especially if the haircut was Old Fabio’s doing…

  14. Bruce A Munro Says:

    @fred: “Look out! If those orcs catch us, we’re in for a painful poking!”

  15. GSS ex-noob Says:

    @Bruce: Still, a bit worse than being poked by a cushion with all the stuffing up one end while sitting in the comfy chair.


    I just read a blurb on a mystery novel, to wit:

    “Miss Marple fans will find a lot to like.” Publishers Weekly

    Can they only afford one quote and just switch it out with another vaguely-related genre character?

    In this case, it does seem “vaguely” applies, since
    a) the Marple/Fletcher woman doesn’t solve the crime at all, the cop does
    b) it isn’t a cozy, there’s apparently a fair amount of violence on-page

    I submit that the title of the magazine be extended here on GSS to “those hacks at PW”.

  16. A. R. Yngve Says:

    Hey, that’s Boris Vallejo himself in his own cover painting. Lookin’ good, Boris!

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