Aug 20
Look I know it’s unusual but I want an actual lynx. It doesn’t stand up like a human, it doesn’t hold some sort of laser rifle, nor does it appear from a space ship. I just want it pouncing across the cover with a princely guy in a white cape leaping with it, while he grasps his sword. That’s not as cheesy right?
August 20th, 2009 at 8:34 am
It’s not a lynx, alright, it’s a *raelynx*. It’s different, yeah?
August 20th, 2009 at 8:40 am
totally different, a raelynx is a lynx that through a rare birth defect is a actually conjoined onto the back of a prince.
Thats whats going on in this picture. the raelynx has jumped and naturally the prince has been dragged with it. He’s just trying to look cool by not actually watching where he’s landing.
August 20th, 2009 at 8:51 am
Yea it does kinda look like he has tried to make the best of a bad situation. Like kinda being dragged away mid conversation and just like… just try and look smooth. OHHH YEAAA.
Do you think raelynx can talk? I hope so… I hope so….
August 20th, 2009 at 9:33 am
I disagree.
I think he’s taken Riverdance to the next level.
One with capes, knives and raelynx strapped to his back.
Does the book come with the CD?
August 20th, 2009 at 10:05 am
The book just has a form on the back page. You fill it out and the CD is yours for 12 easy installments of £9.99 + VAT. It comes with a free pen and a rub-on tattoo.
They should SO audition for Britains got Talent, I’d pay to see a conjoined prince/lynx Riverdance while holding knives. The cape is the icing on the cheesecake.
August 20th, 2009 at 4:44 pm
Next level of riverdance – so this is like rainforestdance?
And about the cape, when I first saw the picture, I thought it was just a lot of white hair.
What really makes this cover for me is the fact that the cat has just farted an “A”.
August 21st, 2009 at 3:35 am
Is that Sigfried or Roy?
August 21st, 2009 at 8:15 am
Well I am not seeing a golden perm.. so I would say Roy!
And yea Bryce, what the heck is with that A coming out of the cats ass. Doesn’t even look like it is supposed to be on the wall. I wonder if the artist was going to draw an arrow flying at them but gave up.
August 24th, 2009 at 9:50 pm
Interesting… I heard from the grapevine, i.e. one of my minions that all ACE books have the A on the cover.
Good choice, putting it at the cats ass.
See if you can find the others:
It’s like where’s wally… sorta…
July 9th, 2013 at 3:07 pm
In the small hours one morning, Douglas (wearing his nightgown and stiletto) had stepped out to walk the cat when the Earth abruptly stopped turning. Bad luck!
Does the raelynx have bloodshot eyes?
August 27th, 2015 at 12:50 am
Are you sure that’s supposed to be Riverdance? It looks more like an extremely poor attempt at belly dancing crossed with modern dance. By someone who knows nothing about either. Or, because he’s holding a wand in one hand, maybe he’s trying to do magic as well. Ridiculously.
February 29th, 2016 at 10:26 am
“Hey, man. I accidentally glued myself to this raelynx. Do you know how to get it off? This stick didn’t work.”
The stale vow of elven house
Rashon Shinn
referred “sad, unintelligent mook of a Stanland hobo”
“iMac? Hand magic? Dancing? Grate fine for tapestry” — A.Coo, Pantry Jam Hunt — A Fruit Mayo Digest
March 16th, 2016 at 8:09 pm
“And now for something completely different…
a man with a raelynx through his hips.”
(apologies to Monty Python’s Flying Circus)
March 17th, 2016 at 10:26 am
I’m still waiting for an angry fan to show up and denounce us for laughing at a perfectly accurate illustration of a scene from the book.
March 17th, 2016 at 8:39 pm
Any minute now…
March 17th, 2016 at 8:59 pm
@RachelJ, AR: don’t look at me, I overdid it with Angry Espers. Let someone else stand up.
March 18th, 2016 at 9:28 am
This is completely an accurate picture of the book. The lead character… READER… gets his belt stuck on the fur of…. REALYNX… he rolls a charisma check and pulls it off like he completely meant it.
… I haven’t read the book… if you didn’t notice.