Bibliomancer Comments: I picture this is how it went down: Artist: So what do you want on the cover? Editor: Its called “Invasion of the Robots” paint me a robot. Artist: What kind of robot? Editor: I don’t care, any frickin robot. Later. Artist: OK, here’s your frickin robot. Editor: You’re fired. Artist: I quit. Editor: Oh yeah, well I’m putting this on the book anyway. Artist: Put my name on this and I’ll sue you. Editor: Idiot, you forgot you initialed it!
Published 1965
Perry Comments: The great mouse rapper, 50 Cent, enjoys a moment of adoration from his many tiny fans.
Published 1977
Sophy C’s Art Direction: Red rat inside a skull inside a young woman!
Published 1970
The equally as amazing back cover!
Frank Comments: Now here’s one that if I were on the bus and saw someone reading it, I might try to avoid attracting his or her attention. Just not my sort of creepy I guess.
Published 1968
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