As it happens, I spent my teens and early twenties in a town called ‘Corby’, a one-industry town that lost its one industry and was sort of like a post-apocalyptic episode of ‘Rab C Nesbit’ (but less fun than that sounds). Imagine if ‘Threads’ had been redubbed with a soundtrack of Jimmy Shand and you’re getting there.
As far as Wikipedia is concerned, a corbie is a Tasmanian moth.
There are no moths on the cover, so I’m going to assume they all died flying into the flaming fish and chips.
I saw the title, without even reading it, and sez to myself BAEN!Orange*
Kudos to the submitter for managing to actually get this… thing in focus. It’s a good thing there’s a larger image, because that’s the only way I could make out the words under “A Novel of” (Does this get “a novel” tag, TW? And “shiny”?). I keep my monitor pretty dim so it looked like “A Novel of FUSSY EMBOSSED SHINY BLOTCH”.
(3) Roj went a tad heavy on the bleach in the later, bardic years. And apparently could only get the ladies when they were unconscious. Or plastic.
(6) I thought so too. A series with all sorts of avian titles, and there’s not a bird to be seen on this cover.
(9) Is his eye hurting, his head aching, or is he just facepalming at the whole situation?
(11) Och, bonnie.
(13) And had a much cuter cover.
* I say that this orange color, as is usual for this publisher, is indeed audible.
Maybe it’s all butcher paper, so it flames up real quick. Maybe it wasn’t supposed to be a torch, and guy in the hood (is that a tag? it should be) is surprised that whatever he was carrying has spontaneously combusted.
Perhaps he had something else wrapped in it originally, but the artist was forced to turn it into a torch to add to the ambiance. Note how it isn’t actually illuminating anything. Could have been a nice bunch of flowers and then the art department was told to make it more BAEN!fwoosh
@Raoul: Good Show, Sir. Looking at past GSS posts, there are many other lackeys. This one, however… really, I frown at her parents for naming their girl Josepha. Bet I know what Mr. Sherman’s first name was.
Regarding Mercedes’ writing style, I saw a button at a con in the 80’s which read “Lackey, Lackey, Lackey, Get Your Adverbs Here”, which caused me to as they say now LOL. You’d have to be of the age and citizenship to remember “Schoolhouse Rock!” to get the joke. But indeed the woman never met a word ending in “-ly” she didn’t like.
@Anna T. – Butcher Paper? Do other sinister robed figures use less butch paper to make their torches? – maybe pastel shades with flower designs on the edges.
@GSSxn: And I swear it didn’t take me a year and eight months to think of it. I just looked at this page today due to ARY’s epic quest across the website.
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December 14th, 2017 at 10:42 am
“Me chips are on fire!”
December 14th, 2017 at 12:38 pm
It’s the biggest blunt ever!
December 14th, 2017 at 12:44 pm
Nice to see Roj Blake still getting some action.
December 14th, 2017 at 1:13 pm
Pretty easy Bardic Choice there, choosing not to burn.
December 14th, 2017 at 1:23 pm
Questionable Bardic Choice: rescuing a mannequin instead of a princess.
December 14th, 2017 at 2:09 pm
Corbies? Wasn’t a corbie a crow? No crows there.
December 14th, 2017 at 2:43 pm
From the World of The Lark and the Wren and The Robin and the Kestrel comes—another book for the birds!
December 14th, 2017 at 2:46 pm
As it happens, I spent my teens and early twenties in a town called ‘Corby’, a one-industry town that lost its one industry and was sort of like a post-apocalyptic episode of ‘Rab C Nesbit’ (but less fun than that sounds). Imagine if ‘Threads’ had been redubbed with a soundtrack of Jimmy Shand and you’re getting there.
This cover flatters the town somewhat.
December 14th, 2017 at 2:46 pm
Guy in the mid-ground: “Hey, my left eye is hurting too! Why can’t I get a cool eyepatch?”
December 14th, 2017 at 2:48 pm
My Bardic Choice would be The Puffin and The Kiwi.
December 14th, 2017 at 3:06 pm
Wha? Corbies!
As I was walking all alane
I ken a Corbies book by Baen
A savage scene with art lain bare,
This cover sall blaw for evermair
by Bardicmancer
December 14th, 2017 at 3:45 pm
It’s called “A Cast of Corbies” but all I see are white people. Typical Hollywood whitewashing.
December 14th, 2017 at 3:46 pm
Opinion: if this were “Cast of Corgis” it would have sold much better.
December 14th, 2017 at 4:43 pm
@Bibliomancer—Gude Showe Sir! Lhude sing cuccu 😉
December 14th, 2017 at 5:32 pm
As far as Wikipedia is concerned, a corbie is a Tasmanian moth.
There are no moths on the cover, so I’m going to assume they all died flying into the flaming fish and chips.
December 14th, 2017 at 5:50 pm
@B. Chiclitz – Thankee! Jist bide fur mah parody ay Burns, “Tae a Moose “.
December 15th, 2017 at 3:59 am
I saw the title, without even reading it, and sez to myself BAEN!Orange*
Kudos to the submitter for managing to actually get this… thing in focus. It’s a good thing there’s a larger image, because that’s the only way I could make out the words under “A Novel of” (Does this get “a novel” tag, TW? And “shiny”?). I keep my monitor pretty dim so it looked like “A Novel of FUSSY EMBOSSED SHINY BLOTCH”.
(3) Roj went a tad heavy on the bleach in the later, bardic years. And apparently could only get the ladies when they were unconscious. Or plastic.
(6) I thought so too. A series with all sorts of avian titles, and there’s not a bird to be seen on this cover.
(9) Is his eye hurting, his head aching, or is he just facepalming at the whole situation?
(11) Och, bonnie.
(13) And had a much cuter cover.
* I say that this orange color, as is usual for this publisher, is indeed audible.
December 15th, 2017 at 5:16 am
@GSSxN – Ah yes, the underused “a novel” tag. I have so many some get overlooked.
December 16th, 2017 at 7:07 pm
Why is the torch in the background wrapped in butcher paper?
December 16th, 2017 at 10:15 pm
Maybe it’s all butcher paper, so it flames up real quick. Maybe it wasn’t supposed to be a torch, and guy in the hood (is that a tag? it should be) is surprised that whatever he was carrying has spontaneously combusted.
Perhaps he had something else wrapped in it originally, but the artist was forced to turn it into a torch to add to the ambiance. Note how it isn’t actually illuminating anything. Could have been a nice bunch of flowers and then the art department was told to make it more BAEN!fwoosh
December 17th, 2017 at 5:35 pm
Mercedes’ lackey: Josepha Sherman
December 17th, 2017 at 11:59 pm
@Raoul: Good Show, Sir. Looking at past GSS posts, there are many other lackeys. This one, however… really, I frown at her parents for naming their girl Josepha. Bet I know what Mr. Sherman’s first name was.
Regarding Mercedes’ writing style, I saw a button at a con in the 80’s which read “Lackey, Lackey, Lackey, Get Your Adverbs Here”, which caused me to as they say now LOL. You’d have to be of the age and citizenship to remember “Schoolhouse Rock!” to get the joke. But indeed the woman never met a word ending in “-ly” she didn’t like.
(For the young’uns and furriners who missed out on this educational experience:
(Note it’s not as good as Conjunction Junction or I’m Just A Bill)
September 21st, 2019 at 9:11 pm
“You’re listening to Bardic Choices here on BAEN Radio, and tonight’s first caller is a bard from the 17th century… What’s your choice, good sir?”
“I’d like to hear ‘Greensleeves’.”
September 24th, 2019 at 2:57 pm
@Anna T. – Butcher Paper? Do other sinister robed figures use less butch paper to make their torches? – maybe pastel shades with flower designs on the edges.
September 24th, 2019 at 9:53 pm
@Vlttp: ha! Good pun. Maybe this one’s overcompensating.
(I never would have thought of that joke: I read @Anna T’s comment, looked, and thought “Yep, that’s butcher paper all right.”)
September 24th, 2019 at 11:28 pm
@GSSxn: And I swear it didn’t take me a year and eight months to think of it. I just looked at this page today due to ARY’s epic quest across the website.