It would seem to me that riding into the fray on a giant War-Saint-Bernard creates puzzlement rather than awe among the other combatants. Foreground Lady certainly looks like she’s wondering what’s up.
I was under the impression that when painting a battle scene, everyone has to look like they’re at least somewhat invested in the battle. Apart from fire lady, these people look like they’re confused actors who haven’t been given a script. Fire lady, meanwhile, looks like she’s pleased at the success of her nefarious scheme. Maybe she gave the others amnesia.
Wow, that is… busy. It’s like a magical transporter accident threw several books’ action together. Gotta be Fire Lady’s doing; agreed she’s the only one who seems to know what’s going on.
What’s with Fido’s feet? They look a) not doggy b) impractical for a mount.
Kinky Boots doesn’t know WTF is going on, but she knows it ain’t good. I can’t blame her for looking confused. We all are, dear.
@B’mancer (7): An unscheduled one. Everyone thought they had the posing space reserved for themselves in this timeslot, but Fire Lady is a terrible scheduler.
Mr. xN says it even looks like several different drawing styles. Does Fernando Fernandez have multiple personalities? If so, we can blame them on his parents for naming him that — how much teasing must he have gotten in his youth?
August 8th, 2018 at 11:11 am
“I suppose you’re wondering why I called you all here today – er, quadruple booking.”
August 8th, 2018 at 1:13 pm
For the want of a buckle the boot was lost. They are screwed.
August 8th, 2018 at 1:33 pm
It would seem to me that riding into the fray on a giant War-Saint-Bernard creates puzzlement rather than awe among the other combatants. Foreground Lady certainly looks like she’s wondering what’s up.
August 8th, 2018 at 5:31 pm
Four warriors who picked the same ringtone simultaneously wonder where they put their phones when one rings.
August 8th, 2018 at 5:56 pm
I was under the impression that when painting a battle scene, everyone has to look like they’re at least somewhat invested in the battle. Apart from fire lady, these people look like they’re confused actors who haven’t been given a script. Fire lady, meanwhile, looks like she’s pleased at the success of her nefarious scheme. Maybe she gave the others amnesia.
August 8th, 2018 at 7:41 pm
I can’t tell if it’s a battle or a rave.
August 8th, 2018 at 10:57 pm
@JP – It’s a cosplay meetup.
August 8th, 2018 at 11:46 pm
Wow, that is… busy. It’s like a magical transporter accident threw several books’ action together. Gotta be Fire Lady’s doing; agreed she’s the only one who seems to know what’s going on.
What’s with Fido’s feet? They look a) not doggy b) impractical for a mount.
Kinky Boots doesn’t know WTF is going on, but she knows it ain’t good. I can’t blame her for looking confused. We all are, dear.
@B’mancer (7): An unscheduled one. Everyone thought they had the posing space reserved for themselves in this timeslot, but Fire Lady is a terrible scheduler.
Mr. xN says it even looks like several different drawing styles. Does Fernando Fernandez have multiple personalities? If so, we can blame them on his parents for naming him that — how much teasing must he have gotten in his youth?
August 9th, 2018 at 12:00 am
And in today’s self-published YA covers, I give you: FONT ABUSE.
August 9th, 2018 at 3:35 am
@GSSXN – Gaaak!! We call that font Verti-go-go.
August 14th, 2018 at 9:33 pm
Ok, you got me….I couldn’t find Waldo.
September 6th, 2019 at 10:39 pm
The Fantasy equivalent of a multi-car pile-up.