“And if you’re REALLY bad, I’ll make you watch a Hallmark Christmas Romance set in America’s idea of England.”
@Tor: Krampus has an iron or brass belt on a chain (you can see in this rather engaging illustration he’s been let loose for one night, a bit lke Shakin’ Stevens or Jona Lewie).
@Tat: Ah, thanks.
Maybe the reason that Krampus hasn’t caught on in the states, others than a horror movie or two, is that PETA would have a fit.
@BC: It look like he has one hoof and one human foot. Is that a thing?
@fred: Definitely Krampus. That kid looks like a brat so I got no problems.
@Tat: “And if you’re really EXTRA-bad, you have to watch a Hallmark Christmas movie set in some vaguely Mittle-European country that somehow still has a royal family and never was a part of the EU or the Warsaw Pact!” (Those movies are all shot in Canada. In the summer. Listen for those north of 49 vowels.)
@Tor: I once read an erotic Krampus story. Written by a woman from Kansas (Under a pseudonym, because she’s a NYT bestseller). Please do not think about this too closely.
@Bruce: Smugness isn’t being good either. Notice she’s not making eye contact with Krampus just in case.
You know, maybe we should bring back some of the fear and terror that used to be a part of Christmas…Instead of raising spoiled, greedy, selfish brats, we could have Krampus motivating kids to be, well, nice:
“When Krampus finds out that kids throw plastic garbage in the environment, he finds them… and forces them to eat the garbage they polluted nature with!”
“Krampus hears if you complain about your gifts… and then he comes and takes them away, so you’ll be left with nothing.”
‘On Dec. 5, which is also called Krampusnacht, but better known as the Eve of Saint Nicholas Day, while Nicky’s asleep, drunken old men in Austria, Romania, Bavaria, South Tyrol, northern Friuli, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, and Croatia dress up like Krampus and chase neighborhood kids off their lawns with rusty chains.’
@Emster: I was thinking of all of them in general, so probably? I don’t watch the damn things, but I did see an article in passing recently that said “Canada, summer”, at least about the Hallmark ones. I think mostly in B.C., though there seem to be a few of them in your home town too. Where at least it probably snows even on the flats so Mel can go in guns a’blazing.
@GSS x-n: I’m baffled at the volume of H’mark clones churned out every year. I caught Mr. E watching one while gluing together a replica something-or-other. Claims he had it on as background noise – may have found the mystery demographic keeping them in business… again, sorry “boot” that.
Among the endless suggestions for said Hallmark movies on Amazon Prime Video, today I was served up a suggestion that I should consider a Krampus origin story movie. I did think about it for a second, but it looked even lower budget than the fluffy Xmas ones.
@Emster: I was wondering yesterday if I even get the Hallmark Channel on my satellite. Turns out I do but I’d blocked it years ago so it doesn’t show up in my listings. Look into that to save Mr. E from himself.
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December 21st, 2022 at 1:29 pm
Of all the questions this cover raises, I find myself wondering why the satyr needs a belt.
December 21st, 2022 at 2:38 pm
Waiting for Suella Braverman to completely lose her shit over this case of grooming.
December 21st, 2022 at 3:01 pm
December 21st, 2022 at 3:19 pm
What Jacob Rees-Mogg gets up to in the privacy of his own mansion is none of her business!
December 21st, 2022 at 3:24 pm
“And if you’re REALLY bad, I’ll make you watch a Hallmark Christmas Romance set in America’s idea of England.”
@Tor: Krampus has an iron or brass belt on a chain (you can see in this rather engaging illustration he’s been let loose for one night, a bit lke Shakin’ Stevens or Jona Lewie).
December 21st, 2022 at 4:21 pm
It seems that cloven hooves (or hoofs) are also hard to draw.
December 21st, 2022 at 5:11 pm
Uncle Krampus’ ideas on how to give a bath to Master Farnsworth struck Madeline as unsanitary.
December 21st, 2022 at 5:15 pm
@Tat: Ah, thanks.
Maybe the reason that Krampus hasn’t caught on in the states, others than a horror movie or two, is that PETA would have a fit.
@BC: It look like he has one hoof and one human foot. Is that a thing?
December 21st, 2022 at 6:43 pm
Love the smug expression on the Good Little Girl’s face.
December 21st, 2022 at 9:33 pm
@fred: Definitely Krampus. That kid looks like a brat so I got no problems.
@Tat: “And if you’re really EXTRA-bad, you have to watch a Hallmark Christmas movie set in some vaguely Mittle-European country that somehow still has a royal family and never was a part of the EU or the Warsaw Pact!” (Those movies are all shot in Canada. In the summer. Listen for those north of 49 vowels.)
@Tor: I once read an erotic Krampus story. Written by a woman from Kansas (Under a pseudonym, because she’s a NYT bestseller). Please do not think about this too closely.
@Bruce: Smugness isn’t being good either. Notice she’s not making eye contact with Krampus just in case.
December 21st, 2022 at 10:08 pm
You know, maybe we should bring back some of the fear and terror that used to be a part of Christmas…Instead of raising spoiled, greedy, selfish brats, we could have Krampus motivating kids to be, well, nice:
“When Krampus finds out that kids throw plastic garbage in the environment, he finds them… and forces them to eat the garbage they polluted nature with!”
“Krampus hears if you complain about your gifts… and then he comes and takes them away, so you’ll be left with nothing.”
December 21st, 2022 at 11:08 pm
I like Krampus.
‘On Dec. 5, which is also called Krampusnacht, but better known as the Eve of Saint Nicholas Day, while Nicky’s asleep, drunken old men in Austria, Romania, Bavaria, South Tyrol, northern Friuli, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, and Croatia dress up like Krampus and chase neighborhood kids off their lawns with rusty chains.’
December 22nd, 2022 at 12:45 am
@fred: you’re a bit late for the big event – they held it on 3rd. https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/people/spectacular-photographs-from-the-whitby-krampus-run-2022-and-the-legend-of-the-evil-santa-3941145
December 22nd, 2022 at 1:32 am
The running of the Krampuses (or Krampusi)?
December 22nd, 2022 at 1:57 am
Yeah! I can dig it.
GSS x-n: if you’re thinking of this one filmed in my hometown, we’re really, really sorry. Castle possibly green screen. Ugh.
A cult fave of mine, this movie may scrub the Hallmark cheese off your Christmas palate:
December 23rd, 2022 at 8:42 am
@Emster: I was thinking of all of them in general, so probably? I don’t watch the damn things, but I did see an article in passing recently that said “Canada, summer”, at least about the Hallmark ones. I think mostly in B.C., though there seem to be a few of them in your home town too. Where at least it probably snows even on the flats so Mel can go in guns a’blazing.
December 23rd, 2022 at 8:07 pm
@GSS x-n: I’m baffled at the volume of H’mark clones churned out every year. I caught Mr. E watching one while gluing together a replica something-or-other. Claims he had it on as background noise – may have found the mystery demographic keeping them in business… again, sorry “boot” that.
December 23rd, 2022 at 9:07 pm
Among the endless suggestions for said Hallmark movies on Amazon Prime Video, today I was served up a suggestion that I should consider a Krampus origin story movie. I did think about it for a second, but it looked even lower budget than the fluffy Xmas ones.
@Emster: I was wondering yesterday if I even get the Hallmark Channel on my satellite. Turns out I do but I’d blocked it years ago so it doesn’t show up in my listings. Look into that to save Mr. E from himself.