Mar 19

Pussy Galore

Good Show Sir Comments: Boob, boob, boob, butt (sung to the tune of Beethoven’s 5th).

Thanks to Ryan for sending this in!

Published 1982

Actually, that cover IS a classical work of art!I would touch it without protective gloves.I've seen worse. Far, far, worse.Interesting, but I would still read it in public.Middlng: Neither awful nor awfully goodWould not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just awful...That belongs in a gold-lame picture frame!Gah... my eyes are burning! Feels so good!Good Show Sir! (Average: 3.20 out of 10)

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19 Responses to “Cat Karina”

  1. fred Says:

    Lips. That’s all that needs to be said.

  2. Tat Wood Says:

    Xena, Sabrina, Steven Tyler and Karina. The least ludicrous cat-people we’ve seen on this site in many a year.

  3. Francis Boyle Says:

    The eyes, man. The eyes!

    Yeah, and the lips.

  4. MaxBathroom Says:

    The Spice Girls were never the same after Geri left…

  5. Tor Mented Says:

    Doing an all-female reboot of LOTR is just asking for trouble.

  6. Bruce A Munro Says:

    Blurb writer: nudge nudge wink wink!

  7. Emster Says:

    Whaddya mean we should wear longer skirts? These ARE our long skirts!

  8. fred Says:

    I’m thinking this ’87 Orbit reprint has a little more book accurate cover.

  9. Bruce A Munro Says:

    @fred: that’s some serious 80s hair.

  10. Leak Says:

    “Boobs and Butt Pose” – the early years…

  11. GSS ex-noob Says:

    All righty, the comment and mouseover deserve a GSS.

    Don’t they all have exactly the same face? Are they clones or at least littermates? Are the lips natural or filler?

    I am amused at the proximity of “Cat” and “Coney”.

    @Leak: Too right.

  12. A. R. Yngve Says:

    If Good Show Sir should ever make it to a “filk song” event at skiffy conventions, one chould definitely expand the Beethoven joke into a chorus piece.


    Boob, boob, boob, butt…

    Boob, boob, boob, butt…

    Boob boob boob butt
    Boob boob boob butt!

    Boob boob boob butt
    Boob boob boob butt!

    Boob boob boob bu-u-u-tt!
    Boob boob boob bu-u-u-tt!

    Boob boob boob
    Boob boob boob bu-u-u-tt…

  13. Michael Toland Says:

    The first two women look like they’re ready to kick your ass at any moment. The third woman looks more relaxed, but has her hand on the hilt of her knife, so you know not to mess with her, either. The fourth woman, on the other hand, is…presenting. “Never mind my weapons – here’s my pert little ass.” Some mixed messages going on here…just like any cat, I suppose.

    I looked up the author out of curiosity. According to his Wikipedia page (hardly an unimpeachable source, admittedly), he seems to be a fairly well-respected British science fiction author, which makes make wonder if the cover accurately reflects the contents.

  14. Tat Wood Says:

    @Michael Toland: back in Ye Day, Gollancz used to publish all their hardback SF in identical yellow covers, so kids visiting libraries trusted the brand rather than the artwork or author reputation (such as it was). I had a vague notion back then that any cover where they tried fancy lettering was trying too hard, so I didn’t bother with ‘Ringworld’ for another few years – with the paltry media coverage given over to the elderly dinosaurs I had no yardstick to gauge Gene Wolfe, Larry Niven or John Crowley against John Robert King or Colin Kapp. So a lot of UK readers probably discovered Coney without the rather offputting covers (well-represented on this site, alas*) used by paperback publishers.

    But that was half a century ago and the dinosaurs (now long dead) are still choking up the bookshop shelves, alongside TV tie-ins, and you have to look Coney up on wikipedia. That’s a shame as he was one of that generation fo British SF writers who worked out how to give US publishers what they thought would sell but slip in very culturally-specific references and jokes that flew over the heads of Donald Walheim et al.

    (*The nearest he came to a breakthrough novel was ‘Hello Summer, Goodbye’, which had a moody Victorian-style shipwreck on the front of the Pan edition but in America got this: )

  15. Emster Says:

    B’s 5th is now an earworm with boob/butt lyrics… yeah, actually, I find that hilarious.

    And my mind went here:

  16. MaxBathroom Says:

    @Tat Wood
    Don’t know if you saw any of them, but Gollancz’s last set of classic SF reprints were all done up as oversized B format paperbacks with those fold around covers that look slightly like a dustjacket, all with flat yellow covers with just a name and a title on them instead of art. I thought that was a really nice tip of the hat to the library books everybody remembers.

  17. GSS ex-noob Says:

    @ARY: Now I think our old pal Lee Moyer needs to not only do his bad cover recreations slideshow, but also show a batch of originals with various tunes as a singalong. A multi-media extravaganza!

    @Tat: I imagine having all the same simple cover also saved Gollancz a lot of money rather than having to hire artists and cover designers. Must have made it a bit hard to remember which ones you’d read, though.

    Don’t be too sure *all* the jokes got past the editors, though; US fen were generally Anglophiles then, and would have understood them, especially the slang terms. I recall catching a few myself as a young’un. Probably more along the lines of Getting Crap Past The Radar. Average readers wouldn’t, but real book nerds would have.

    @Michael: And what cat does not present its ass to humans?

  18. Monty Says:

    Didn’t we have a cat people tag?

  19. Bruce A Munro Says:

    @Monty: we do! But they aren’t very cat-like in appearance, no matter their ancestry.

    Didja know Al Sarrantonio had a trilogy which was essentially a ER Burroughs Mars tribute, with cat people rather than Red (and Black, and White, etc.) Martians? I didn’t until a couple days ago!

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