Ryan Comments: “So converting your diabolic mascots to run on clean-burning natural gas is a wise economic choice, sure, but I still get more points for stylish raiment!”
Published 1979
Ryan Comments: “So converting your diabolic mascots to run on clean-burning natural gas is a wise economic choice, sure, but I still get more points for stylish raiment!”
Published 1979
Ryan Comments: A baffling melange of unrelated images clumped together in the bottom half of the cover, unmoored from any background, will surely help sell this novel.
Published 1979
Ryan Comments: The ghostly apparition’s harpistry was so terrifying to Dom that all the color drained from his left leg.
Published 1979
Tom Noir Comments: Yet again, butterfly woman is photobombed by that crafty Shrieking Smoke Head.
Published 1979
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