Good Show Sir Art Direction: “Paint me some threatening clouds. Have it on my desk by the end of the day.”
Thanks to Ryan for sending this in!
Published 1984
Good Show Sir Art Direction: “Paint me some threatening clouds. Have it on my desk by the end of the day.”
Thanks to Ryan for sending this in!
Published 1984
Bibliomancer Comments:
♫ He’s Lonesome Cowboy Burt
Don’tcha get his feelings hurt
Come on in this place,
And I’ll buy you a taste,
You can sit on my face
Where’s my waitress? ♫
(with apologies to Frank Zappa)
Published 1980
Ryan Comments: The ghostly apparition’s harpistry was so terrifying to Dom that all the color drained from his left leg.
Published 1979
Good Show Sir Comments Dear Penthouse Letters. You won’t believe what happened to me after my Renaissance Faire gig …
Published 1984
Good Show Sir Comments: When Voiha Wakes … he’ll be missing a kidney.
Published 1983
Don Comments: OK, we’ve seen tons of perms and oodles of mullets on these covers – but I do believe this is the first permed mullet. (Pullet?) Assuming that’s the eponymous Bard whose Tale this is, he’s apparently not the brightest light in the harbor, since he a) agreed to accompany his hairdresser on a thieving expedition from an albino lizard-man (do such things EVER end well?) and b) misunderstood her when she said she wanted him along to carry the loot.
Published 1993
Many thanks to the Don!
And it thus cameto passthat the Mighty Lord Weber created the one thing which could instantly bring tears to the eyes of mortal men. Together around the campfire elves sat covered in blankets, drinking mead, talking to their wenches andwieldeda singlelute. But most importantly and what would soon become legend,they hadridiculous ears.
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas Day!
Good Show sir
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