Ryan Comments: Tony Shaloub found the futuristic milk bath rather unexciting.
Published 1979
Ryan Comments: Tony Shaloub found the futuristic milk bath rather unexciting.
Published 1979
Bibliomancer Comments: Introducing Whatdafug – the 23rd Century Philadelphia Eagles football mascot.
Published 1968
Bibliomancer’s Comments: He’s not mad about the dog collar and leash. He’s coming after the master who got him groomed and neutered at PetSmart.
Published 1966
Tat Wood reminds us that this was republished as The Puppies of Terra
Tat Wood Comments: Amazingly, this is about the most tasteful cover for this I’ve seen. The original hardback had a 90% return rate, which makes sense when you see what they put on it.
Published 1981
AdamK Comments: The notes on the back cover provide a stark warning that THIS vision of man’s mental bondage could have already begun!
Published 1978
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