Apr 16

It's fun being peculair... but we get through a lot of shampoo... Click for full image

Scott B’s Art Direction: Flesh lattice of exponential identical startled heads!
Published 1971

Actually, that cover IS a classical work of art!I would touch it without protective gloves.I've seen worse. Far, far, worse.Interesting, but I would still read it in public.Middlng: Neither awful nor awfully goodWould not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just awful...That belongs in a gold-lame picture frame!Gah... my eyes are burning! Feels so good!Good Show Sir! (Average: 8.87 out of 10)

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30 Responses to “First Person, Peculiar”

  1. Herm Says:

    I think I Sing the Body Electric just found a new sidekick to aid in its life of oh-gods-I-see-it-when-I-close-my-eyes artcrime…

  2. THX 1138 Says:

    This really should have been published by Abacus. Wouldn’t be too pleasant to be the heads directly under the armpits, would it?

  3. SI Says:

    Well I don’t know about you guys… but when I first… I really first… especially on Saturday nights… It should be renamed my FIRST night.

  4. Gaff__Gaff Says:

    RT @GoodShowSir: New Book Cover: First Person, Peculiar

  5. JuanPaul Says:

    Whole note
    Half note
    Quarter note
    Eighth note

  6. Phil Says:

    I assume this one spreads out to infinity to left and right. It certainly is a challenger to I SING THE BODY ELECTRIC, but is only a serious contender if the illustration extends round to the back cover.

    I’m afraid I have no answer to the question posed under the title.

  7. Bibliomancer Says:

    One, Two, Four, Eight ….
    Who do we appreciate …..

    … and I do believe the BEHIND YOU tag is in order here.

  8. B. Chiclitz Says:

    And so the Vizier said, “Well, First Person, I can give you one giant head, or you may choose to have one head on the first rung of a fleshly lattice, two on the next, four on the next, then eight, 16, and so on . . . now choose carefully.” But, perhaps because his hair inhibited proper neural functioning, First Person could not comprehend the truly astronomical number of heads he’d soon come to possess, peculiarly.

  9. FearöfMusic Says:

    The hunk tag? Shouldn’t that be hunk¤infinity? I mean, if you are gonna with the hunk thing.

  10. Tom Noir Says:


  11. fred Says:

    When barbers have anxiety dreams….

  12. Adam Roberts Says:

    I see you discretely put your thumb over Peculiar Man’s private parts. Is this the new Sheep-ing?

  13. A.R.Yngve Says:

    An early attempt to paint fractals… ON ACID!! (Somebody had to say it. That’s what I’ll tell the judge.)

  14. Dead Stuff With Big Teeth Says:

    Reminds me of an aeroplane, with wings, engines & such. Thirty Seconds Over the Uncanny Valley?

  15. Frank Says:

    This and I Sing the Body Electric both make me think of Cyriak, who works in animation. I wonder if these covers inspired his art.

  16. Anti-Sceptic Says:

    How “first” can a peculiar person get?

    Well it all depends on his level of peculiarity I guess. The more peculiar…the more first.

  17. Tom Noir Says:

    You guys can laugh all you want, but if you were browsing through the sci-fi section while tripping balls this would BLOW YOUR MIND.

  18. Dead Stuff With Big Teeth Says:

    ‘I think I see my dad.’

  19. A.R.Yngve Says:

    Was this a scene in the movie TOMMY?

  20. fred Says:

    I don’t care if this carnival game is rigged, I’m going to keep playing until I either win or go into debt.

  21. Tat Wood Says:

    In Leyton High Road there’s a barber’s where the owners seem to have looked through a thesaurus for synonyms for ‘unique’ or ‘outstanding’. It’s called ‘Peculiar Unisex Hair’. (and the old shopfront from before the Olympics
    I bet that’s where these guys went.

  22. Tor Mented Says:

    So that’s what stem cells look like — derpy.

  23. GSS ex-noob Says:

    It was a horrifying mistake when they gave the futuristic foosball tables artificial intelligence.

    I’m guessing this is only the story of the one in front, him being the first peculiar person, the next ones being the second and third, etc. etc. to infinity.

    @Tat: Would they give you a weird hairdo that praises Christ? One of those beehive or pompadour jobs so beloved by televangelists? And I thought the Bible was dead set against unisex fashions.

    Also, attn. @RachelJ: The Mermaid Menace (YA division) continues.

  24. Tat Wood Says:

    @GSS ex-noob: E10 isn’t noted for televangelists: the most famous hair-casualty from my old manor is David Beckham.

    The clientele for this place is mainly afro-carribean so you’d most likely get a decent cornrow or beads, maybe a retro Hoxton Fin if you ask nicely..I have seen women leave with the barnet shown on this cover, usually after the application of a shedload of clay to de-frizz.

  25. Tom Noir Says:

    “Hello, yes, I’d like a peculiar unisex haircut please.”

    “Praise the Lord!”

  26. Raoul Says:

    “E for Effort” is the one of the stories. So is “W for WTF”.

  27. Tat Wood Says:

    @Raoul: Y for Chrissake?

  28. jrdelirio Says:

    Well, First Person at least has an expression of being appropriately aghast at this situation.

    And no, no, people, you see, when you go out with your fresh Peculiar Unisex Hairstyle, and go meet your friends at the pub, when they first see it they blurt out “Lord, Jesus!” As in “Lord, Jesus, what happened!?!??”

  29. GSS ex-noob Says:

    @Tat: Maybe some dreads too? Jah! I can’t imagine paying to get the hairstyle shown here, esp. in this day and age.

    Missus Beckham looked terrible/miserable at that wedding she went to on Saturday. Dave looked all right, seemed to have a good time; perhaps his branded underwear is more comfortable than hers.

    @Raoul: J for “Jesus! Your hair!”
    A for “AAaaaiiighh!”

  30. Emster Says:

    I stayed up past bedtime on a work night fully immersed in an enjoyable evening of GSS and was not disappointed by this top 10 beauty, or the resulting comments.

    @Scott B – thank you.

    High fives all ’round.

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