A heavily armoured sword wielding knight on a metal horse attacks some smoking animals. Why are they smoking? For effect my dear boy! And possibly magic. Anyway, make sure those animals are mean! I want red eyes and snarls!
A heavily armoured sword wielding knight on a metal horse attacks some smoking animals. Why are they smoking? For effect my dear boy! And possibly magic. Anyway, make sure those animals are mean! I want red eyes and snarls!
You know something that won’t date badly? Long hair with fringes and dudes with long gelled back hair. I can see it now, it will be the combination of every eighties sci-fi created by man. With this, we’re sorted well into the late 1990’s!
Hey! You there beside the water cooler. What books you into these days? Narina? Narninia? Fine, let’s say a lion. And you with the coffee, what do you like? Chicks with swords. Awesome, slap them both on there. Best lens flare the hell out of the background though. I think we need something to grab people’s attention!
Look I know it’s unusual but I want an actual lynx. It doesn’t stand up like a human, it doesn’t hold some sort of laser rifle, nor does it appear from a space ship. I just want it pouncing across the cover with a princely guy in a white cape leaping with it, while he grasps his sword. That’s not as cheesy right?
Remember how sweet Blade was? With all his black clothes, long trench coat, his cool body armour, his array of silver stakes and the mean emotionless yet cheerly philosophical face? Better make him caucasian just to be on the safe side.
Magical orb, merlin apparition, surprised expression, terrible haircuts, horrific blue robe, cheesy green and gold crest, nerd throne, chains leading to nowhere, potions, books…. huh? Oh I’m just saying random words… think you could get it all in there?
Typical blonde helpless maiden, possibly a wench from the local drinkery. Then a typical bartender looking guy with perm, a wooden magic wand, a glowing wrist band and a red misty entity coming from the side. Come on… do I have to think of everything?!?!
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