Hawkwind Comments: “We’re out of extra guns. Don’t tell the little alien guy we gave him the salt and pepper grinders.”
Published 2002
Hawkwind Comments: “We’re out of extra guns. Don’t tell the little alien guy we gave him the salt and pepper grinders.”
Published 2002
Alice Comments: I have no idea what the title is. I have four to choose from. Perhaps it’s “Warren Norwood”
Published 1989
Tom Noir Comments: Gym class will never be the same again!
Published 2003
Stevie Comments: Jack Chalker’s Wonderland Gambit Book 2 is wild. That hot demonic guy with a massive glowing genital lesion doing who knows what to those dudes with the plumbing coming out of their heads. Who comes up with this stuff!
Published 1996
Many thanks to Stevie!
Lauren Comments: The expressions on their faces have always bothered me–is he thinking about smashing her head with that statue? Is she considering using the trapdoor to dump him in a garbage pit?
Published 1991
Many thanks to Lauren!
Liz’s Art Direction: We’d like for you to use some cats on this cover. Not just any old cats no, we want one that is sized up enough to be able to carry a human. In furs. And randomly in the background, give us a horse drawn sled too. Oh, and to illuminate the picture, throw in a random lamp somewhere…and the biggest sickle moon in the world, ever.
Published 2000
Ah Cat travel, the only way to break the speed of light. Or so I have read.
Many thanks to Liz!
A man with a very angular forehead kinda like that guy from Red Dwarf! Have him looking into space as if he is pondering into the future while some horrible space ships fly around and open fire with their missiles on a planet.
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