Bellatrix Art Direction: “I told you over the phone the title was “The Big Guy”. Never mind. It’s easier to change the title than redo the cover.”
Published 1950
Tracy Comments: I never would have read this book if the cover hadn’t been ripped off. H. P. Lovecraft goes to Australia.
Published 1976
Benjamin W Comments: Bow-tie typewriter disapproves of people instead of paper.
Published 1974
DaveFromGP Comments: As if the creature in the star spangled thong isn’t enough, I find my eyes drawn to the creature at the rear: “What are you gonna do? I’m a giant bat, bitches!”
Published 1983
Mr Cliftopher Comments: I can only guess that the only available artist was a 5 year old with some brand new crayons.
Published 1967
aka The Stars My Destination
Many thanks to the Cliftopher!
Kristen Comments: Sorry about the poor quality of the shot…in any case, it looks like the designer decided to throw something from EVERY short story in this collection onto the cover. At least I hope so, because if there were also armed dinosaurs, fighter jets, and authors working on home computers on board the Titanic, history books have been holding out on us.
Published 1988
Many thanks to Kristen!
Sarah’s Art Direction: Look, I know it’s 4:30 on a Friday, but surely you can come up with something.
Tag Wizard: The whole GSS staff is away on a team-building seminar this week. Trust falls and all that. Enjoy a GSS Retrospective until we return!
Jen Comments: A warlock and his robotic horse battle a carnivorous tree who collects stuffed animals and leprechauns, while farting evil smoke into the mouth of a nearby menacing castle. Meanwhile, a knight and his lady ride past, oblivious. Sadly, a surprisingly accurate depiction of the book. And yes, I paid $5 for it.
Insane thanks to Jen!
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