Mr Cliftopher Comments: I can only guess that the only available artist was a 5 year old with some brand new crayons.
Published 1967
aka The Stars My Destination
Many thanks to the Cliftopher!
Mr Cliftopher Comments: I can only guess that the only available artist was a 5 year old with some brand new crayons.
Published 1967
aka The Stars My Destination
Many thanks to the Cliftopher!
MisterBob Comments: Look darling, there be tentacles! But what about my little alien baby, maybe cat nanny can stay behind and continue to look bored.
Published 1984
Many thanks to MisterBob!
Craig Comments: Half a catman is better than none – or one.
Published 1987
Many thanks to Craig!
E’s Art Direction: I want it to look like West Side Story in space, only make most of the Jets werewolf people with absurdly large guns.
Published 1992
Many thanks to E!
Happy New Year!
Well it’s 2011 and that means we have an entire year of quality book covers behind us. So here we will have a few of the best covers chosen by the Good Show Sir staff, helper monkeys or whatever.
Just want to say thanks to everyone who visits the site! I would have never have thought so many people would be interesting in joining us sharing these wonderful covers. Thanks to all the commenter’s out there, where would we be without your generous sarcastic undertones? Also want to say thanks to all the artists and writers we’ve had come along to the site, we love all these covers but sorry if we’ve caused any tears!
Finally, special thanks to the all those who have sent in and continue to email me covers! I apologise that I haven’t got back to everyone who has sent covers in and I do have quite the backlog but we’ll get through them all.. probably!
How could we not mention:
A personal favourite:
Everyone loves cat people!
CSA chooses magic, wizards, unicorns and fairies:
Finally, well… maybe we should come back later:
Don Comments: It’s so embarrassing when Mummy catches you playing dress-up in her things, even if you’re an alligator. Maybe PARTICULARLY if you’re an alligator.
Published 1966
Nathan Comments: Timothy Zahn has a winner with the giant spider bouncy ball, peasant Tasha Yar, and a gopher mercenary? Oh and eye straining font!
Published 2006
Could this be a first? Man-gerbil?
Many thanks to Nathan!
Audes Art Direction: Hey, we need dragons. What, no dragon art available ? Slap that one from the bunch we’ve licensed for cheap with the… what ? Anthropomorphic weapon-wielding lizards, yeah, nevermind that there aren’t any in the boo… Oh, and some snazzy font, you know, one of those that scream fantasy or sci-fi, whatever, make it bright and bold.
Published 1992
Many thanks to Aude!
Jessie Comments: The marks to the left of the floating cat head are my fault – they’re scratches from when i was ripping off the $1 used book price tag.
Published 1978
I think the scratches are the least of this covers problems!
Many thanks to Jessie!
Sarah’s Art Direction: Look, I know it’s 4:30 on a Friday, but surely you can come up with something.
Tag Wizard: The whole GSS staff is away on a team-building seminar this week. Trust falls and all that. Enjoy a GSS Retrospective until we return!
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