How can we enjoy Xmas shopping when the cost of presents has skyrocketed with inflation. Here at GSS we are giving our faithful fans a chance to pick up some last minute gifts at huge discounts. Hurry, these items will go fast. Prices haven’t been this low since the 1940s!
Good Show Sir Comments: This year sucked and Christmas 2020 is a grinch-fest. So let’s go back to a simpler, happier time when you could page through magazines (remember them?!) shopping for wildly inappropriate Xmas presents.
Presenting the Good Show Sir Megapost Cavalcade of Poor Christmas Shopping Choices!
1. This isn’t helping Santa’s chimney soot black lung
2. When Santa visits Miss Microsheen, it’s shiny boots and no red suit.
3. Give your wife a vacuum cleaner for Xmas and the Hoover will be the only one sucking your dick
4. The first rule about Booze Club is you don’t talk about Booze Club.
Have a happy holiday and we’ll see you in a couple weeks with our Olde Year Summe Up!
Now let’s all sit back and enjoy the He Man & She-Ra Christmas Special!
Good Show Sir Comments: While dragging the Xmas decorations down from the attic we found our old stack of Argosy magazines. Have a happy holiday and we’ll see you in a couple weeks with our Old Year Sum Up!
1. In this issue. Pictures of Mrs No-Shirt McGee!
2. We’re safe. The guys will never break through these parkas.
3. Last year the kids saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus. This year he’s locked and loaded.
4. Why cast a wizard spell when you can just shoot the bastard.
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Tweet Jane, GSS Admin and Tag Wizard bring a favourite
classic Dutch tradition of Santa Pope and Black Peter
to downtown London.
We drew quite a noisy crowd of fans!
Now let’s all sit back and enjoy a Star Wars Holiday Special!
Let’s sit back and enjoy some Xmas vinyl. And then toss them on the old yule log. We’ll have our Festivus “Airing of Grievances” after we return from the break. I got a lotta problems with you people, and you’re going to hear about it! Have a happy holiday and we’ll see you in a couple weeks with our Old Year Sum Up!
Time to get out there and win the War on Christmas. With any luck it will be vanquished!
As we kick 2017 in the pants and say goodbye it is time again to stuff your stockings with some terrible cover GIFts you can’t return. Time to start my shopping and pink slip the elves who won’t be needed again until this time next year. I think the North Pole is above the Arctic Circle in some EU country so Brexit was going to give them the boot anyway.
Have a happy holiday and we’ll see you in a couple weeks with our Old Year Sum Up!
It’s that time of year again, meaning turkey, festive ham, chocolate, hot chocolate, chocolate ice cream, chocolate in some sort of pastry, more ham and stuffing!
So for all you people, like me, still having to brave the Christmas shops and regretting not ordering everything online, here is the Christmas mega post! A mix of things here, a couple of honourable mentions too!
Have a great holiday and we’ll be back in the new year with an Old Year SumUP!
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