Chuffmunky Comments: The future’s so badass, I gotta wear shades (and a bandoleer of spikes, and a fisher-price cd walkman cabled to my chest for some reason).
Published 1989
Chuffmunky Comments: The future’s so badass, I gotta wear shades (and a bandoleer of spikes, and a fisher-price cd walkman cabled to my chest for some reason).
Published 1989
Dead Stuff with Big Teeth’s Art Direction: Gentlemen…perhaps what this cover needs is both a man, and a horse! Yes! And another man with a mullet, showing he doesn’t know how to ride a horse. And… a girl wearing nothing but body paint, standing at the top of a staircase! Because, gentlemen: nobody would otherwise pay money for something a woman has written!
(the senior partners, followed by everyone else in the room, erupt in a perfect storm of applause. The junior copyrighter wipes a tear from his eye)
Published 2003
Phil Comments: Good news, everyone! Fred Pohl claims to have invented the finglonger. (A man can dream. A man can dream.)
Published 1983
David A Comments: Blonde in a bikini? Check! Sex god in thong armour? Check! Aliens? Check! Castle? Check! Erupting volcano? Check! But oh, wait, what’s that say on the front? Fully illustrated??
Published 1979
Click here for a gallery of the (NSFW) interior artwork (including a naked sea lion/woman hybrid with a baby!)
Good Show Sir’s Art Direction: KITTY! KITTY! Get off my keyboard! If you don’t get off this instant you are going on that cover in hell we’re getting done. Cause that’s where you belong… RIGHT! You’re going on… you are going on there… with Genghis Khan… in hell! That will teach you.
Published 1989
Many thanks to A. Waltz for tweeting this in!
DPN Comments: This one of sort of popped out at me!
Uncertain publication date (circa 1996?)
Stephen Comments: A badly drawn Kevin Keegan with a unicorn’s head on his shield!! A UNICORN’S HEAD! ON KEVIN KEEGAN’S MAGIC SHIELD!Marvellous.
Published 1975
Bibliomancer Comments: Thar she blows! Oh, sorry ma’am. Mistook you for the Leviathan!
Published 1975
Tom Noir Comments: Gym class will never be the same again!
Published 2003
Sara S Comments: This cover has everything. The cat-being is looking out at the reader as if to say, ‘How do you humans like it when we dangle something in front of YOU and then snatch it away, huh?’ The cherry on top of it all is the title artist who thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be great if the preposition ‘at’ didn’t line up with any of the other words on the cover?!
Published 2005
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